Jenka { Character }

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Character: Jenka

Character Sheet (Jenka)

Combat Value: 10

You are Jenka, She Who Valks Alone. And perhaps t'is is your time.

(Ektually, your name is "Evgenia". But you've never much liked dat. You usually tear out t'e lungs of anyvun who uses it. T'e Baron has made you promise not to tear out DuPree's lungs, but vun of t'ese days the temptation vill simply be too great.)

Vhen the Jaegerkin came to this vorlt, two hundret years ago, it vas difficult -- the pipple hated and fear't you all, and not vitout reason. But you did vhat you had to: vhat you knew, and vhat you needed to survive.

And then cem the Heterodynes. They offered a new kind of Tribe. They vould protect t'e Jaegerkin, and provide from t'eir own immense force of Life, if the Kin would serve them and bind to them. It vas a good deal, and so t'e Contract vas struck. T'e Jaeger and the Heterodynes vere changed -- both altered, so that t'e Jaegerkin could draw Life from t'e Heterodynes. But the Binding vent deeper: the Jaegers could smell t'eir new masters, and know their place of service from that.

All but you. Khrizhan, the greatest of the Kin, the Hatless vun -- he knew t'at somevun had to stand aside. Vun Jaeger must hide, and not take of the Binding, so that t'e Jaegerkin's interests vould be served. Khrizhan voult ensure your Life himself, so you need not draw from the new Masters. And you vould serve as the others did, so long as t'e Heterodyne served t'e Jaegers as proper Masters should. But if vun should be needed to defy them, you vould be t'ere.

It vas neffer needed. Even vhen the Heterodyne Boys, Bill and Barry, took over t'e family, they treated the Kin vell. It vas less fun than before -- these new Heterodynes tol't you that you could not kill vitout permission, nor schteal te lifestock of any but t'e "Bad Guys". (Who seemed moch like t'e Heterodynes hed been until they cem along.) But there vas schtill enough for t'e Jaegers to eat and fight and kill, and the Boys protected the Jaegers from the common pipple who vould hurt you, so the Kin still survived and propered.

And then t'e Boys vanished, and the Heterodyne line vas broken. T'ose vere bad years. The Jaegerkin vere neffer loved of t'e pipple. The nobles had all crossed t'e Heterodynes at vun time or another, and had reason to hate t'e Kin. And the common pipple needed no excuse to hate you -- fear did t'at. So t'e Kin vere hunted from place to place. You vere still hart to kill, but no longer qvite so much as before: vitout t'e Life of t'e Heterodynes feeding you, a few began to die. Somehow, protection vas needed.

T'en, the Baron cem back. Klaus von Vulfenbach had been a sidekick of t'e Boys, and the Kin had neffer given him respect -- he vas a figure of humor, vitout t'e strength of Ponch or t'e Visdom of Judy. But now, he vas different: serious, and bound to bring peace to t'e lands vhether they vanted it or not. So he made t'e offer -- if the Kin vould serve him, he vould protect you.

T'e Generals accepted, and tol't him more: that you vere t'e special von, who could go alone as t'e other Kin could not. So you became the special agent of t'e Baron: the von he vould send vhen he needed t'ings done qvietly. (Vell, maybe not qvietly, but a lot less loud than a troop of army and Clenks.)

The Baron hes treated you vell offer t'e years, and you serve him villingly: he is tough but fair, and rules as vell as he cen. But you neffer forget that you are Kin first and foremost. Vulfenbach never made the Contract as the Heterodynes did -- he vould give protection, but not his life for yours. He is not Kin.

You have hed von true ally in all your travels, since the bad days in the Vilderness: Fust. He is a Construct, a great bear constructed by t'e Doctor Dmitri, a madboy who tried to use t'e Kin back in the last days, before t'e Baron cem and took him down. Vulfenbach kill't all of Dmitri's bears, but he didn't finish the chob vith this von. Fust vas left half-dead, but still clinging to his own Life. You cen't say vhat called to you about him, or how it heppened, but you Bound to him, sharing your Life vit him. And effer since, he has been your little secret, vhich you don't tell t'e Baron -- he is how you travel qvickly, and vhy nobody cen stand against you. You are strong, like any Jaeger, but Fust is stronger. He shadows you, and t'e two of you make sure no harm comes to either.

Somehow, you hev alvays liked animals. Most are more honest than t'e humans, and all are at least goot to scritch. Beside fust, you also saved a cet up on t'e Castle. He vas a talking critter named Krosp, made by Dr. Vapnoople, and a fonny critter he vas, alvays tellink you t'at he vould be a King someday. You vere friends for a year after you opened his cage, but you haven't seen him for months: you are afraid t'at the Cestle exterminators may have got him.

And now, the Heterodynes are beck. You have known for years t'at this vould heppen someday, but you cen't say you're heppy about it.

During the time in t'e Vilderness, von day, Barry Heterodyne came back. He found you, and explained t'at he vasn't looking for any Heterodyne -- only you vould do. He knew about you, it seemed: knew t'at you vere the von who vas neffer bound to his family. And t'at vas t'e reason he needed you. He vas alive, and he vasn't alone. T'ere vas an heir -- a child to carry on t'e Heterodyne line. But t'e child vas bound not chust to the Heterodyne, but also to t'e Monkfishes, and he vas neffer sure how the child vould grow. So you vere to keep your eyes open as t'e years passed. Someday, t'e child vould appear, and it vould be up to you to decide if it vas good or bad. And if it vas bad, you vould be t'e von to deal vit it. You vould be t'e judge of vether t'e child deserved to be a Heterodyne.

T'at et at you for years. Finally, a few years ago, you hinted to Khrizhan t'at he should seek out vhether there vere any more Heterodynes. T'ere might or might not be, but knowing that the Kin vere seeking t'em vould help the Jaegers know t'at they vere still true to the Ancient Contract. Only you knew t'at there really vas a child out there, to be found.

So they asked for volunteers, and t'ey got Dimo, Oggie and Maxim. You still don't know if t'at vas goot or not. They vere chust as schtupid as t'e rest, but at least t'ey vere brave enough to volunteer for a mission t'at they knew vas suicide. You vould be their contact -- since t'e Baron sent you out all the time, you could see them vitout suspicion.

And vonder of vonders, t'ey did it. You are sure t'at they did it mainly out of dumb luck, but they found Agatha Heterodyne. You vere startled: you had assumed the heir vould be a boy-child. But a girl vould still do to fulfill t'e contract, and vould still be t'e von you needed to keep an eye on. So you tolt t'em to follow her, serve her, and keep her alive. Until and unless you decide othervise.

Of course, t'e Baron doesn't know she is alive. You veren't effen supposed to know about her -- t'e Baron (being not a schtupid man) is hiding her existence from t'e Kin, but you have your vays, especially vonce you knew of her existence. She had effen been on Castle Vulfenbach for a time, and had escaped. T'e Baron vas tolt that she hed been killed, but you know t'at she ectually hid vith Mester Payne's Circus uf Edventure, vhere Maxim and t'e others found her.

Today, though, you are lookink for somet'in qvite different t'an the Heterodynes. You might have a vay home. You are here guarding t'e Baron's son Gil, big madboy himself. He is lookink into t'e reports of the appearance of the Hidden Cestle of Amagog. And you suspect t'at they have no idea vhat they have, and vhat it means to you.

T'e Baron hes been trying to help the Kin, you vill giff him that credit. He knows t'at vhat he calls t'e "Spark" is moch like Life -- t'at is how the Heterodynes can share it vith you. So he hes been experimenting vith madboys, to see how it vorks so t'at he cen provide it to t'e Kin. And you appreciate t'at. But it hes been years, and he still hes nothing. And t'e Kin continue to get schtupider and veaker, year by year.

The only vay to really help is to get beck to t'e Jaeger vorlt, and bring beck more Life. No vun knows how to get t'ere, but that's because no vun knows who brought you here. But you heff an idea.

T'e legends of t'is vorlt tell of the great madboy "Amagog". Two hundret years ago, he scared t'em all vit his powers. He explored time; he explored space. And some say, he traveled to places beyond t'is vorlt. And you t'ink: two hundret years ago? T'at vas vhen the Kin vere brought here. Vas Amagog t'e von who did that? And vhy?

He vanished vit his Cestle vay back then, and no vun knew vhere he vent. But now, his Cestle has returned. And maybe vith it, a clue to how to return home. Home, vhere a determined Kin could bring beck t'e Life, enough to last a long time. Or effen to bring all t'e Kin home.

Khrizhan has ordered you to investigate, but not do anyt'ing rash. But t'en, he doesn't vant to go home. Here, he is Hatless, t'e greatest of the Kin. If you all go Home, he vould chust be von big Kin among many. Effen if somevon ot'er than him goes Home, and brings back t'e Life, t'ey might be t'e new Hatless -- t'ey vould have the big Lifebumps, and giff it out to the rest of the Jaegerkin.

So you heve your orders: investigate, but do nothing. But t'is may be a time to say to hell vit orders...


You are Jenka, She Who Valks Alone. And perhaps t'is is your time, to see if the new Heterodyne is vorthy, ent mebbe effen to find a vay Home.

Note that the history and background of the Jaegers in-game is rather different from the way it's fallen out in the comic over the past year or two, so don't be surprised at the details.

Public Info


You are Jaegerkin, and t'e Jaeger are neffer too serious. But by t'e standards of Kin, you are t'e dark and scary von, and you must admit you like it t'at vay. You like to be in control of t'e situation vhen you cen, and at least understand vhat is going on vhen you cen't. You heff little patience for fools, vhich means t'at you spend a lot of time hitting t'e other Kin. You enchoy your vork, especially vhen you get to vade into a situation vith Fust.

Some People You Know (Jenka)

General Khrizhan: T'e Hatless, he of the biggest Lifebumps, leader of t'e Kin. A schmart Jaeger, but von vith his own agenda -- he likes t'e power that he has here.

Baron Klaus von Vulfenbach: Owner of all t'is, ruler of Europa, current Master of the Jaegerkin. You vork directly for him as his agent, but take orders from Khrizhan as vell. Vulfenbach didn't effen tell you t'at the Heterodyne had been found, vhich tells you t'at, while he is goot to t'e Kin, he hes his own interests forst at heart.

Gil von Vulfenbach: T'e Baron's son. A goot young man, and von who may be a better ruler t'an his fat'er someday. But now he is young and headstrong. And really, really cheesed off about somet'ing -- vhat is it? He is leading t'is expedition to learn more about t'e Hidden Cestle of Amagog, and you are ordered to follow his orders. And so you shell do, but keeping in mind t'at the Kin come first.

Bengladesh DuPree: Gil's ot'er bodyguard on t'is trip. He is treveling light, vit just the two of you protecting him. T'at should be fine, so long es you don't find it necessary to kill DuPree. T'e Kin are not vons to stend on formalities and protocol -- but t'en, it is normal to chust rip t'e legs off a fellow Jaeger vhen you need to send t'e message t'at he hes gone a leetle too far vit the chokes. Vould the Baron really be too annoyed if you did t'e same to her?

Vooster: Mester Gil's botler. Vhat a stick. He is all prim and proper Englishness. Yet, he is goot to talk to, and you have vound up as friends, as moch as you cen really have friends who are not Kin. But t'ere is somet'ing he is not saying: he smells of duplicity. You must keep an eye on him, and find out vhot his game is.

Krosp: A fon kitty who you rescued vhen his maker got used in von of t'e Baron's experiments. He's grompy sometimes, but good to scritch.

Von Pinn: Keeper of the kids on board Castle Vulfenbach, a schoolteacher vit a firm enough hend for effen a Jaeger to appreciate it. You don't know qvite vhat she is -- she smells sort of like Kin, but sort of like t'e ghost-vimmen who used to vork for Lucrezia Monkfish.

Theopholous DuMedd, Sleipnir O'Hara, Zulenna Luzhakna and "Z": The main kids who are taught by Von Pinn. T'eopholous ran off a few months ago, at t'e same time as Agatha Heterodyne; Zulenna got herself killed, but the Baron brought her beck. Now, Von Pinn and t'e students are off vith Zulenna, doing some sort of court business.

Agatha Heterodyne: Daughter of Bill Heterodyne and Lucrezia Monkfish. By heritege, all t'e Kin are bound and svorn to her, except for you. Barry Heterodyne t'ought there vas something dengerous about her, but neffer said vhat; you'll need to see vhat she is like, and vhether she deserves the loyalty of t'e Jaegers. She is treveling vit "Mester Payne's Circus of Adventure" under t'e name of "Agatha Clay", efter escaping from Cestle Vulfenbach; the Vulfenbachs think her dead.

Dimo, Oggie and Maxim: T'e Jaegerkin agents who have been lookink for the Heterodyne Heir, and moch to you surprise, found her. You vould svear t'at they are schmarter t'an they used to be. (Or at least, a bit less dumb.) T'ey take orders from you; Khrizhan has left you vith moch leevay vith them. You have assigned t'em to keep an eye on her, traveling vit the Circus.

Othar Tryggvassen: A big madboy "hero" who keeps fighting t'e Baron. He claims to vant to kill the Vulfenbachs, but he neffer seems to ectually do so. Not that you are complaining, but vhy is that?

Female Jagermonster (Status: In Game)

Many Jaegers (Many Jaegers)
Wulfenbach Interests (Wulfenbach Interests)
People of the Mirror-World (Mirror-World)

Jaegerkin (Jaegerkin)
The Jaeger Cosmogony (Jaeger Cosmogony)

Abilities and Disabilities

Powerful Sense of Smell (Smell) -- You have a powerful and sensitive sense of smell, far moreso than an ordinary human.

You can recognize people by smell: if you believe that someone is in disguise, you may concentrate on them and spend one Point to determine if they are who they appear to be. Tell a GM that you are doing so, and they will tell you what you find.

You can also detect a person's mood by their scent -- humans give off very different scents depending on how they feel. You may spend one Point and show someone this card to ask them how they feel right now. They must answer honestly: in particular, they must tell you if they are feeling any emotions that are not readily apparent on the surface, and whether they smell like they are trying to hide something from you. (To the target: please be honest here -- yes, your mood can be read by scent.)

Jaeger Regeneration (Jaeger Regeneration) -- Jaegerkin have considerable regenerative abilities. When you are incapacitated, even mortally injured, you may spend two Points and two minutes to regenerate back to full fighting strength. However, this can only be done when you are not currently in combat, and are conscious.

Life Sharing (Life Sharing) -- The Jaegerkin are joined by their Lifebumps, which allow them to both store Life and share it with other Kin. You may, at any time, give any number of your Points to any other Jaegerkin.

Summon Fust (Summon Fust) -- You are bound to the great bear Fust at a very deep level, in some ways even more than to your fellow Kin. Fust is enormous and powerful, suitable for attacking entire towns. He moves extraordinarily fast, far faster than the fastest horse, and you can ride on his back.

Fust is, as always, tracking you, and is hiding in the nearby forests. You may spend one point to summon him to your side; this will take a while for him to get to you, but he will come running when you wish it.

Tell a GM if you want to do this. Keep in mind, though, that you have never told the Wulfenbachs about Fust, and they believe him dead, like all of Dr. Dmitri's other bears. You have used him on your incognito missions, and Wulfenbach knows that you have a secret, but not what it is. There is much risk to both him and you in admitting his existence, so do not do this casually.

Resist Intimidation (Resist Intimidation) -- You have spent your entire life learning how not to be overpowered by the strong personalities around you. As such, if someone tries to use the Intimidation ability on you, you may spend one Point and resist it. Roleplay this: you are steeling your nerve to stand up to them, successfully.

Stealthy (Stealth) -- You are practiced in sneaking around and listening in on people.

To be stealthy, spend one Point, hold this card up on your forehead, and roleplay it to the hilt -- going under tables, hiding around corners, and things like that are appropriate. You may be stealthy for up to five minutes, listening in on conversations. This isn't quite invisibility: if someone has specific reason to be looking for someone listening in, they can see you. But otherwise, they should roleplay not noticing you there, and continue with their conversations accordingly. (Targets: please be honest, and roleplay accordingly -- don't suddenly start looking around just because someone is using this on you.)

You are strongly encouraged to roleplay giving away your position when you have heard enough, just to tweak the people you were listening in on, and perhaps ask further questions.

If someone uses Stealth on you, you may notice them after only two minutes -- you are more attuned to people sneaking around, since you do it yourself.

Historical Background

The following were notes while the character was evolving. They do not necessarily represent the way it came out.

The "boss" of Dimo, Oggie and Maxim. A female Jager?, possibly the only one we've seen to date. (Which is interesting in and of itself.)

Jenka's "steed" is a giant bear named Fust, who moves incredibly fast (v4, p109-110), and is powerful enough to smash through thick town gates (v4, p117). I think it's a safe bet that he's some sort of Construct.

Even by Jager standards, Jenka is pretty damned scary: super-fast, intimidating and generally dangerous (v4, p110). But we get the impression that this sometimes backfires -- on (v4, p112), I don't think she was trying to pick a fight, but everyone automatically assumed she was going to kill them.

Jenka has some sort of information, related to the Heterodyne legacy, which must be passed on to Agatha promptly. For this to make sense, it must have some connection to the Amagog plot. Maybe the Jagers were brought to this world by the Heterodynes via one of Amagog's devices, and now there is a chance for them to see their own home again? That would make sense, and tie into the primary game plot.

Regardless, there is a complication: this sort of information must only be brought to the true Heterodyne heir -- perhaps only she can release them from their service. Things should be carefully set up so that the Jagers are not, collectively, sure who that is; hence, the complications.

Justin 12/31: Here's a way to tie Jenka in much more broadly: make her a high-level, trusted Wulfenbach Jager. Jenka (under her full name) has worked for the Wulfenbachs ever since the Heterodynes went away, and is a lieutenant -- right under the Jager Generals, and more trusted than them. As far as Klaus and Gil are concerned, she is one of the most reliable of the bunch, and has been used for secret missions that require stealth and cunning for years. (What they don't know is that she is also working for the Generals, as their go-between with the Wild Jagers.)

Hence, she is well-suited for this mission. Since Gil is trying to travel quietly, he is taking with him an especially deadly coterie of ladies. And while DuPree and Von Pinn are both deadly, neither is exactly reliable. So he requisitioned Jenka as his personal bodyguard for the duration.

Her own loyalties are complicated here. She is highly loyal to Gil, but not as much so as to her own people and the Heterodynes. Gil, of course, has no reason to believe that's an issue -- he thinks Agatha is dead. She knows better, and also knows (as Gil does not) that the Circus is in this area. So she has to balance two lives very carefully.

Costume note: the mask is only used when she is operating incognito, not when she is working for the Wulfenbachs.

Her real name is "Eugenia" (which is apparently the real name that "Jenka" is short for). She does not like the name very much, and is always known as "Jenka" in Jager circles. DuPree likes to live dangerously by using her real name.

Jenka is the one Jaeger who knows about the Agatha/Lucrezia connection. When Barry came back, he sought her out, and told her to keep a strict eye on Agatha: to protect her if possible, but to always be suspicious of her. He knew perfectly well that Jenka was the one Jaeger who could resist a Heterodyne, so the duty falls to her to do what must be done, if the worst should happen. He had not told her specifically that the heir was a girl, and she had been assuming a male heir, but she has rolled with it.

Jenka has heard the legends of Amagog, and knows that he was reputed to travel between dimensions. General Khrizhan has also pointed out that he lived right around the time that the Jaegers came to this world by means unknown. Was he responsible for it? And could his devices somehow get someone home to get more Life? She has explicit orders to look into this, and to use the other three as necessary. Note that Khrizhan does not want to go home, but Jenka is suspicious of his motives: he is powerful here. If they went home, he would not necessarily be Hatless any more. She is of mixed minds herself, of whether it would be better to send one person home and back, or to simply have the Jaegers return whence they came.

Her feelings about the other three are mixed. On the one hand, they're idiots. On the other hand, they're less stupid than most of the tribe. She can tell that they are strong in Life, and isn't quite sure why. It might be due to Agatha's presence, but they seemed to be improving even before then. The truth is that Jaegers grow Life directly in proportion to how much danger they are individually in, so going wild is literally good for them. The reason Jaegers aren't usually quite self-sufficient in this world is that it simply isn't dangerous enough.

Amount of Character Potential: Fair (An interesting foil to the central three Jagers. Would need plot, but Anne asked for her specifically.)

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Last edited March 20, 2012 6:23 pm by Justin