Khrizhan { Character }

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Character: General Khrizhan

Public Info

Male Jagermonster (from Comic)


Historical Background

The following were notes while the character was evolving. They do not necessarily represent the way it came out.

The leader of the Jagers under Klaus' command. Fabulously strong -- see his stop a crashing plane with one hand on [this page]. He is the first of the Jagers to begin to suspect [who Agatha really is]. In general, there is a fair amount of [circumstantial evidence] that he is a lot smarter than the average Jager, possibly relating to his overlarge head.

The Jager generals hid their interest in Agatha from Klaus, but not very successfully (v4, p61). It appears, from (v4, p62), that they can tell even from the charred corpse that it isn't her; Khrizhan is the only one quick enough on the uptake to hide this realization from him.

Amount of Character Potential: Fair ()

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Last edited March 18, 2007 1:40 pm by