Oggie { Character }

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Character: Ognian "Oggie"

Character Sheet (Ognian "Oggie")

Combat Value: 10

You iz de Jaegerkin call't Ognan, but everyvun knows you as Oggie. You're de schmot von. Vell, no -- you're de direct von. You've the von vhat doesn't over-t'ink things too moch. So many problems are solved so qvickly by chost knocking somebody out. You don't really know vhy eferybody makes t'ings more complicated than that. Hit's a bit embarassing vhen you break t'ings by accident, but better dat then spending so moch time t'inking.

Before you read de rest of this, you should go read de bluesheets first. Vhy? Because everyvun should know their roots, dummy!

Hokay, bluesheets read? Goot! Now ve can talk about you.

You vere just vun of the Tribe for most of you life. De Jaeger vorlt vasn't exactly a calm plaze, but it vas home, and it vas certainly exciting. Vhen you all cem here to dis vorlt, it vasn't nearly so much fun, at least not until de Heterodynes came along.

Dose years vith the Heterodynes -- now that vas fun! Runnin t'rough the countryside, eating cows and giant apes and t'ree-headed veasels and schtuff, it vas qvite a good time. Not as scary and dangerous as back on de Jaeger vorlt, but better than de cold ov Siberia, vhere you all schtarted out. Effen vhen Bill and Barry took over, and tol't you all to schtop eating the people, it vas schtill fun, vith lots of big monsters to fight against.

Vorking for the Baron has been okay, but not really vhat de Jaegerkin vas meant to do. You iz fighters, not soldiers, and dis business of followin' orders iz still strange. So vhen Khrizhan, the Hatless (he uf the biggest Lifebumps) asked for volunteers to go out and look for de Heterodyne Heir, you volunteered. It vas de hardest t'ing you ever do, leaving de Tribe. Vith only de t'ree of you out there, and occasional visits from Jenka to giff orders, you had only your own Life to share around. If you vere hurt, you could not draw upon de rest of the Kin to save you vith more Life. In all likelihood, it vas suicide. But somevun had to do it, so the rest of the Jaegerkin knew that they vere trying to fulfill the Ancient Contract of serving de Heterodynes.

Who knew you vould succeed? It took years of vandering around in de Vilderness, fighting against monsters and other fun schtuff. And dat last time, vhen you vere hanging by the neck in de town sqvare, it looked bad: vith all t'ree of you hanging dere, sooner or later you vould have run out of Life. But then she showed up: Mistress Agatha.

Dimo vas the first to schpot her -- he's alvays had the best noze, and could recognize the Heterodyne scent at vonce. It vas almost beyond belief, but she had to be the von you had been sent to find: the last Heterodyne. Just maybe, the Jaegerkin would be hokay.

Of course, Jenka almost messed it all up. She came to check in on you, demn near schtarted a var vith the townspipple. Vould have been fun, but might have lost the Mistress. But it all vent right: she took command of the t'ree of you, and you vere beck in service to de Heterodynes. You hed to leave and talk to Jenka aftervards, but followed as the Mistress took up vith the Circus.

The Circus are fun pipple. You hedn't been following more than a few days, vhen they vound up battling a whole army of nasty vhite critters vith big teeth. Vell, you knew vhen fun vas afoot, and Mistress Agatha vas in danger (vell, maybe not so much danger: she had a big gun), so the t'ree of you jumped in and schtarted hacking the monsters. It vas the best scrap in years.

Since then, you've been listening clozely, and learning all about dese nize pipple. Dey are a strange bunch. Dey tried to keep it a secret, but are all schmotboys (and schmotvimmen). Vell, mostly. Lars isn't so schmot, and Zeetha makes vith those nize swords of hers. They's all got secrets, but that's okay, so long as they don't make a danger to Mistress Agatha.

The past month has socked for the Circus. Most of them vent and got themselves arrested by the schtupid noble who runs the village uf Middleburg. He vants lots of money before he'll let them go. Mistress Agatha iz all vorked op about this, and de rest are unhappy. Hokay, so they need money. How can you help them get money? Treasure, maybe? De Circus has gone and parked near to this big olt Castle. Maybe there's treasure in dere?

You vere out in de voods a couple of days ago, vhen you found Mistress Agatha, vandering around and lookink lost, vit dis new little talkink enimal riding on her shoulder, vhere de little Clenk usually rides. You helped her back to de Circus, and heve been helping her since. She seems to need you more dis veek, for some reason. Dat's hokay -- you like to help her anyvay you cen. Like in luff. She is still too sveet on de son of the Baron, and he t'rew her over. How cen any man t'row over soch a sveet lady? Vhen Lars gets back from his latest scouting, you vill make sure dey hook up.

Public Info


Hey, you are Jaegerkin, and de Kin are neffer all dat serious. You are de fun-loving von of de bonch. You love pipple, effen de schtupid vons. You are pretty moch alvays cheerful, and you like it dat vay.

Some People You Know (Ognian "Oggie")

Dimo: Your comrade in Jaeger-vildernessing. He was de music-maker back on the Jaeger vorl't, and he cen still sing better then anyvun else.

Maxim: De other member of your t'reesome. Maxim is de serious vun, all about responsibility and schtuff.

General Khrizhan: De Hatless, biggest of the Jaegerkin, the one vith the biggest Lifebumps. He's very schmot, and very tough, but not alvays so nize. He vas the vun who sent you off to find the last Heterodyne. You don't know vhat he's up to, but he's the Boss.

Jenka: She's the vun you report to, de strongest and schmotest of the Jaeger vimmenfolk. She vorks directly for de Baron, but he doesn't know that she's also vorking for Khrizhan. (So that makes Khrizhan your boss' boss.) Back vhen the Jaegerkin svore to the Heterodynes, and bound yourselves to dem, she vas the vun that didn't participate in the binding. Vhich means she isn't svorn to Mistress Agatha the vay you are.

Mistress Agatha: The Heterodyne Heir, who smells so goot. You are svorn to her, and need to make sure you do vhat she says. She is a lot like her father Bill, de Good Guy, but de old Heterodyne shows t'rough now and then, vhen she gets angry. You really like her then -- she reminds you of de Good Old Days, vhen the Jaegerkin got to roam and eat vhat you all liked. She vas ceptured by the Vulfenbachs, but escaped, and now she calls herself "Agatha Cley", so novun knows who she really iz.

Master Payne: De guy vhot runs the Circus. He's a schmotguy, who fools de eyes, but he can't fool the noze and ears of de Jaegerkin.

Countess Marie: De vife of Payne. She's very nize, and reminds you of Mistress Agatha, only vith neat potions and schtuff. You spend time talking vith her vhen you aren't doing other t'ings like schpying or eating or schtuff.

Abner: Master Payne's assistant, who helps him do schtuff. He vas caught vith the rest of de Circus, but somehow got away.

Lars: The Circus scout. He's kind of like a scout for an army, who goes ahead and figures out vere de enemy is, except de enemy in dis case iz pipple who vill pay de Circus money. Vhich is a strange kind of enemy. But it seems to vork for him. He's sveet on Mistress Agatha, and goot for her, but he's avay scouting. You need to make sure novun else schteals her away before he gets back.

Embi: De short guy who travels vith the Circus. He juggles and schtuff, but he smells olt. He's a fonny guy, and fun to hang around.

Maria: De girl vot choined the Circus a few days ago. She's nize, and very hart-vorking. She vants very moch to be a Circus performer.

Krosp: De Mistress' pet cet. He's a fonny talking animal, who thinks he's a King. You aren't allowed to eat him.

Artie: Anodder talkink animal, vhich de Mistress brought back in a couple uf days ago. You cen't eat him, either.

Dingbot Prime: He's a Clenk, so you cen't eat him and you cen't smell him. How cen you trust somet'ing that you cen't smell? Schtill, he seems devoted to the Mistress.

Othar: The crazy schmotboy who follows the Circus around. He likes to attack de other schmotboys, vhich makes him get into all kinds of fun fights. He's out in de forest right now. Vhat's he up to?

Baron Klaus von Vulfenbach: De boss' boss' boss, who Khrizhan and the rest of the Jaegerkin work for today. He's de big cheese nowadays, vith the Heterodynes gone. His heart's in de right place, beating up the other nobles and tellink them to make peace. But he's not really svorn to the Jaegerkin the way the Heterodynes did.

Gil von Vulfenbach: De boss' boss' boss' son. He vas chust a kid vhen you left Castle Vulfenbach, and vas a lot of fun -- alvays makink trouble and gettink his father angry. Mistress Agatha vas smitten vith him vhen she vas on board Castle Vulfenbach.

Zeetha: The green-haired sword-lady vith the Circus. She is scary, and fun: vun of the few pipple who iz as tough as a Jaeger. She misses her lost homeland, chust like the Jaegers do, effen if she doesn't heve Life to share the vay you do.

Von Pinn: Keeper of the kids on Castle Vulfenbach. She is tough and veird and scary and efferytink. You neffer knew vhat she vas -- she smells kind of like Jaegerkin, but also kind of like de ghost-vimmen dat vorked for Lucrezia Monkfish, Bill Heterodyne's veird vife.

Male Jaegermonster (from Comic) (Status: In Game)

Many Jaegers (Many Jaegers)
The Circus Arrested (Circus Arrested)

Jaegerkin (Jaegerkin)
The Jaeger Cosmogony (Jaeger Cosmogony)
Master Payne's Circus of Adventure (Circus Bluesheet)

Abilities and Disabilities

Powerful Sense of Smell (Smell) -- You have a powerful and sensitive sense of smell, far moreso than an ordinary human.

You can recognize people by smell: if you believe that someone is in disguise, you may concentrate on them and spend one Point to determine if they are who they appear to be. Tell a GM that you are doing so, and they will tell you what you find.

You can also detect a person's mood by their scent -- humans give off very different scents depending on how they feel. You may spend one Point and show someone this card to ask them how they feel right now. They must answer honestly: in particular, they must tell you if they are feeling any emotions that are not readily apparent on the surface, and whether they smell like they are trying to hide something from you. (To the target: please be honest here -- yes, your mood can be read by scent.)

Jaeger Regeneration (Jaeger Regeneration) -- Jaegerkin have considerable regenerative abilities. When you are incapacitated, even mortally injured, you may spend two Points and two minutes to regenerate back to full fighting strength. However, this can only be done when you are not currently in combat, and are conscious.

Life Sharing (Life Sharing) -- The Jaegerkin are joined by their Lifebumps, which allow them to both store Life and share it with other Kin. You may, at any time, give any number of your Points to any other Jaegerkin.

Heterodyne Life (Heterodyne Life) -- The Ancient Contract between the Jaegerkin and the Heterodynes binds the two clans together, Life to Life. A Kin may receive Life from a Heterodyne, if the Heterodyne chooses -- if you wish to beg Life from your Mistress, show her this card, and she may opt to give it to you.

Heterodyne Life is especially powerful, being that of one of the most powerful Spark families. The Heterodyne gives Life by giving up Points; for each Point she sacrifices, the recipient Jaeger receives four, which may be shared with the other Kin.

Stealthy (Stealth) -- You are practiced in sneaking around and listening in on people.

To be stealthy, spend one Point, hold this card up on your forehead, and roleplay it to the hilt -- going under tables, hiding around corners, and things like that are appropriate. You may be stealthy for up to five minutes, listening in on conversations. This isn't quite invisibility: if someone has specific reason to be looking for someone listening in, they can see you. But otherwise, they should roleplay not noticing you there, and continue with their conversations accordingly. (Targets: please be honest, and roleplay accordingly -- don't suddenly start looking around just because someone is using this on you.)

You are strongly encouraged to roleplay giving away your position when you have heard enough, just to tweak the people you were listening in on, and perhaps ask further questions.

If someone uses Stealth on you, you may notice them after only two minutes -- you are more attuned to people sneaking around, since you do it yourself.

Historical Background

The following were notes while the character was evolving. They do not necessarily represent the way it came out.

It's probably true of all the Jaegers, but notice just how strong Oggie is: on (v5, p17), he fairly casually picks up a horse and runs with it.

Oggie has a very practical and direct approach to things. When Lars starts to get hysterical on (v5, p19), he casually knocks him out.

While not having quite Maxim's suaveness, Oggie does like the idea of attracting the vimmen (v5, p25), and he believes that there is something interesting about actresses. In a way, the Jaegers really are like overgrown five year olds.

Oggie is a tad clumsy, and doesn't know his strength -- he tends to break things (v5, p50). He's also [rather impulsive]. Okay, totally impulsive.

Oggie was the one who found Helen in the woods a couple of days ago, and he is really very charmed by her. She treats him more or less like a puppy, and he finds that curiously comforting.

Oggie has been listening to how Agatha talks about Gil, and is convinced that she can do better than him. He thinks that she and Lars are meant for each other, and wants to hook them up when Lars gets back.

Amount of Character Potential: Fair ()

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Last edited March 6, 2007 9:11 pm by Jducoeur