Of the manner of doing the Trabuchetto grave.

One does the Trabuchetto grave in this manner, that is; Finding the body with feet even, widen the left foot 1 handspan distant from the right to the flank in the manner of a hop; and in the same time which the left rests on the ground, raise the right, arriving it about 2 inches near to the left gracefully on the points of the feet, holding both the legs well extended, not touching therefore the ground with the right foot; then withdrawing the right foot to the place where it was found, return with the left to do the effect which will have been done with the right: be careful to wantonize some at each Trabuchetto, and to do it with agility and dexterity of the body: and avoiding doing it as others are accustomed to, the which after having in the start done the hop with the left foot, in accompanying, as was said, the right to that, throwing it with the point of the foot as much clumsily behind the left, which appears most quickly to throw thrusts, which the other: and doing the same then with the left: the effect of which is to guard oneself: and the use of which we owe to correct, and to amend.  The time of each of these Trabuchetti is one perfect beat of music.

Reconstruction of the Trabuchetto grave

Of the Trabuchetto Minimo.

The Trabuchetto minimo has to be done in the same manner as the grave, except which the time of this is not but half of the other, whence when in one perfect beat of time is done one Trabuchetto grave, in the same beat we have to do 2, and this enough as much as the Trabuchetti.

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