Of the manner of doing the Fioretti.  And first of the Fioretto ordinario.

The Fioretto ordinario has to be done climbing the left foot, and pushing that as much forward of the right, which would be with the left heel about 2 inches from the point of the right, but 1 inch distant from that, and 2 inches high, with the knees well extended; then at one time straight, raising it some with the body, with doing a Balzetto, find one with the left foot where it first was, and with the right as much forward, with the point of the heel near to the point of the left, and 2 inches distant from that, and on the point of the feet; then raising the left foot, put it in the place of the right, the which has to climb as did the left when said step started: and keep the same manner which the left kept.  Others when finishing the Fioretto ordinario, raising the left foot, owe to put it in the place of the right, having that climbed some forward, as was said, bringing it equal to the right: and are finishing it in that manner: and yet which appears thus would have the strength to stand well, nevertheless to me the first pleases much more: rendering the body most ornate with walking agilely on the point of the feet, with which to carry them on the ground level.  The time of each of these Fioretti is one beat minima.


Of the Fioretto fiancheggiato (flanking).

This Fioretto is done in the same manner which the others are done in the time of one minima: except, that while the ordinarii are done in a straight line forward: these are done flanking, and when they are done to the left flank, put the right foot over to the left: and by opposite, when it is done to the right flank, the left foot will be put over to the right.

Of the Fioretto a piedi pari (with feet even) flanking.

Standing with the body straight, and with the legs well extended, climb the left foot a little to the flank, and 1 palm distant from the right: then returning it to the place where it was first, that is 2 inches distant from the other foot, with the points of the feet even, give a beat with the point of the same foot: then with the point of the right give another, and with the left give another, climbing at the same time the right: then yet moving it away from the left by the flank, do the same effect which was done from the start with the left: then starting another time with the left, and then with the right will follow always by course.

Of the Fioretto battuto in the Canario.

Climbing the left foot forward, distant and high 4 to 5 inches from the right: and all at one time do a Zoppetto with the right; then diminishing it to the same place where it will be found climbed, give 4 rapid beats of the feet, the first with the same foot when it diminishes, the second with the right, the third with the left, and the final with the right, climbing again the left: the which then diminishing to the middle of the right foot, will suddenly climb the right foot with the same distance and height which was done first with the left; then diminishing it, will give another 4 beats, resting at the end with the right foot climbed, as was said above of the left: and these 2 Fioretti are done one with the left, and the other with the right, are done in the time of 4 beats minime of music.

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