Welcome to the Girl Genius Wiki, a project of Transylvania Polygnostic University ("Your tribute dollars at work, committing acts too vile to contemplate!").
Please note that this site is a research arm of the Department of Interactive and Meddlesome Literature at TransPoly U, and is considered Highly Confidential. It is dedicated to the creation of TPU's latest literary adventure, the penning of Agatha Heterodyne and the Perfect Construct. As such, any potential players of AHatPC should note that there are mimetic virii embedded herein, such that reading this site before playing the game will cause massive cerebral trauma. (Said trauma to be delivered via Jaegermonster.) Hence, if you haven't played the game yet and ever mean to, get out. Get out now. Before it's too late, man!
Well, you might want to look at the pictures first, and then run screaming.
Now, on to our Table of Contents:
The Game
These pages comprise the actual game materials. They're what you mainly care about.
- Overview -- Broadly speaking, what's going on in the game, and how to most easily follow it. Start Here!
- Plots -- What happens in the game. But keep in mind that it's not 100% accurate: as the characters evolved, they somewhat diverged from the plots.
- Characters -- All of the characters that are actually in the game. This contains most of the material that the players see, so it is the "cleanest" part of the game.
- Items -- Things that characters have.
- Special Abilities -- Things the characters can do. It says something about the game that there are far more of these than there are Items.
- Bluesheets -- Information shared between characters.
- Combat Values -- How tough everybody is in a fight.
- Rules -- The Rulebook for the game.
- Castle Mechanic -- A maze of twisty little pages, describing how the Castle works.
- Timeline -- A selection of What Happened When in the backstory.
- Summary -- The concise summary of pretty much everything.
Supporting Material
These are a variety of pages that are either structural, or food for thought for the next time this runs.
- Next Time -- Things to consider rewriting before the next run
- Schema -- The underlying data model for this wiki
- Briefing Notes -- Topics to cover during opening ceremonies.
- Printing List -- What needs to be printed out to run this game.
- Packing List -- Things to remember to bring to the run.
Historical Material
These pages were used in the development of the game -- they are a variety of notes about the comic, and ideas about what might go into the game.
- Diary -- Essentially the internal blog for game development, which we used for communicating with each other.
- Notes -- Assorted mad ideas that might make their way into this game.
- The Annotated Agatha -- Detailed notes on the comics.
- Plot Brainstorming -- Some plot ideas that didn't become formal plots.
- Mechanics Notes -- Discussion of how things might operate in the game.
- Factions -- Notes on the major groups in the game. While they are somewhat accurate, they weren't maintained and weren't really used for GM reference, so they are really just background material.
- Players -- Who played what in the first two runs.
- Race to the West Pole -- A plot that didn't happen, but maybe next time...
- Random Concepts -- Assorted mad notes and ideas, many of which are yet to work their way into the story.
- Character Archetypes -- Some character concepts I played with, that didn't get in. Some of them might yet get into a later version.
- Other Characters -- The ones who weren't there as main player characters in the original runs.
- Character Potential -- The analysis of which characters are how good for the game.
- Casting Questionnaire -- Notes on the questionnaire, and a pointer to the online signup form.