Girl Genius Game

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Welcome to the Girl Genius Wiki, a project of Transylvania Polygnostic University ("Your tribute dollars at work, committing acts too vile to contemplate!").

Please note that this site is a research arm of the Department of Interactive and Meddlesome Literature at TransPoly U, and is considered Highly Confidential. It is dedicated to the creation of TPU's latest literary adventure, the penning of Agatha Heterodyne and the Perfect Construct. As such, any potential players of AHatPC should note that there are mimetic virii embedded herein, such that reading this site before playing the game will cause massive cerebral trauma. (Said trauma to be delivered via Jaegermonster.) Hence, if you haven't played the game yet and ever mean to, get out. Get out now. Before it's too late, man!

Well, you might want to look at the pictures first, and then run screaming.

Now, on to our Table of Contents:

The Game

These pages comprise the actual game materials. They're what you mainly care about.

Supporting Material

These are a variety of pages that are either structural, or food for thought for the next time this runs.

Historical Material

These pages were used in the development of the game -- they are a variety of notes about the comic, and ideas about what might go into the game.

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Last edited December 14, 2011 1:41 pm by Justin