To the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Clelia Pontana Della Valle,
Roman Gentlewoman

Gentle Clelia, whence goes the proud Tebro,
Which the prize of beauty you have, and the boast,
And by You shines so this Hemisphere,
Which of great long the Sun does not shine so much:
Lady deigns among us of eternal Empire,
Testimony here beneath the holy Realm;
Which to the fair turning of the quiet brow
You make the World to wonder of marvel.

Original rhyme scheme - ABAB/ABCC

Ombrosa Valle (Shady Valley)

In Praise of the Illustrious Lady
The Lady Clelia Pontana Della Valle,
Roman Gentlewoman

In this Balletto, the man will take the ordinary hand of the lady, and they will do together the Riverenza grave, and 2 Continenze; then letting go said hand, they will do 2 Seguiti ordinarii turned to the left, and facing they will do then 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, and 1 Ripresa with the left flank inward, with 3 Passi presti forward, starting each thing with the left foot; then taking the same hand of new, they will do the Riverenza.

In the second time, walking by the hall, they will do 4 Seguiti ordinarii; then taking the right hand, they will do 2 Seguiti ordinarii, 1 to the left with the left foot, and the other to the right with the right foot, taking the left hand: then letting it go, they will do facing 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, 1 Ripresa with the left flank, with the 3 Passi presti forward, and the Riverenza, as of above.

In the third time, the man alone walking to the left, will do 2 Passi, and 3 Trabuchetti, or 1 Seguito ordinario, starting with the left foot: he will do the same to the right, starting with the right; then he will do 2 Seguiti ordinarii turned to the left, starting it with the left foot.  After that they will do together 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, and 1 Ripresa with the left flank inward, with the 3 Passi presti forward, and the Riverenza.

In the fourth time, the lady will do the same change with the man will have done: then together they will do the 2 Seguiti spezzati, the Ripresa, and the 3 Passi presti forward, with the Riverenza, as of above.

In the fifth time, taking them by both the hands, they will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario to the left, starting with the left; they will do then 2 Trabuchetti gravi, and 3 presti to the right, starting it with the right foot: and letting go the hands, they will do 2 Seguiti ordinarii turned to the left, starting with the left foot, then they will return to do facing the 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, the Ripresa, and the 3 Passi presti forward, with the Riverenza, as of above.

In the sixth time, taking of new said hands, they will do the same change to the right, starting it with the right foot: being careful, that having done the 2 Passi gravi, and the 2 Trabuchetti gravi, and 3 presti, to turn 2 Seguiti ordinarii to the right, and to do the 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, with the 3 Passi presti forward: then putting the left foot forward in perspective, they will do with this the Riverenza; then of new they will be taken by the ordinary hand.

In the final time, they will walk by the hall, and will do 4 Seguiti ordinarii, with 2 Puntate gravi, and 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, and 1 Ripresa with the left flank inward, with the 3 Passi presti forward.  Ultimately they will do 1 Seguito scorso, and the man pausing the lady where they will turn most commodiously, they will end the Ballo with doing together the Riverenza.

Lute tablature of the Balletto Ombrosa Valle

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