To the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Costanza Castra Scalinci,
Roman Gentlewoman

Gentle Costanza, here among us divine,
By the gifts, which make you similar to a Goddess;
Which with the lovely semblance proud, and humble,
Made, that each eager heart adores you, and inclines.
If You were among us for to do ravishment
Of each virtue, fleeing the base, and the vile;
If you have as many as are from the Ganges to the Thile
Graces, which to few the Heaven large destiny.
If with one look only, or with one smile
You soften to whom pleases your heart,
As most esteemed to your high desire:
If in you the graces all rest Love,
I owe to fear, which with glad face
Not receive you this my Ballo?

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDCDCE

Gentilezza D'Amore (Courtesy of Love)

In Praise of the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Costanza Castra Scalinci,
Roman Gentlewoman

Facing they will do the Riverenza minima, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, with the Cadenza with the right facing.  After in the wheel they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati, and 4 Trabuchetti, with 2 Tranghi flanked forward, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, with the Cadenza with the right, starting with the left foot: then they will return to do 2 other Tranghi flanked forward, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the right, starting with the right foot, and doing the Cadenza with the left to the end of this Seguito.

In the second time, in the wheel they will do together 2 Passi presti, and 2 Trabuchetti, starting it with the left foot, with 2 Seguiti spezzati: they will return to do the same another turn; then they will follow with 2 Scambiate,  1 to the left, and the other to the right: to the left then they will do 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, with the Cadenza with the right facing.

In the third time, the man alone will do facing 2 Passi presti, and 1 Seguito spezzato, starting it with the left foot, and 4 Trabuchetti starting with the right: after they will return to do the same Passi presti, and 1 Seguito spezzato, starting with the right foot, with 4 Trabuchetti, starting it with the left: then together they will do 2 Passi trangati back flanked, to manner of Barriera, and 2 Passi presti forward, with the Cadenza, starting it with the left: they will do the same 2 Passi trangati, and Passi presti, with the Cadenza another turn, starting with the right.

In the fourth time, the lady alone will do the same change, which the man will have done; after together they will do the 2 Passi trangati back, with the 2 Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza, starting it with the left; they will do the same another turn by opposite starting it with the right.

In the final time, they will do 2 Seguiti semidoppii, 1 to the left; and the other to the right, with 4 Trabuchetti, starting it with the left foot, together with 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza with the right facing; they will do after that 2 Passi trangati back flanked, as in Barriera, and another 2 Passi presti forward with the Cadenza, starting each thing with the left foot: then they will do 2 other Passi trangati back, and 2 Passi presti forward, with the Cadenza, starting it with the right, and finally, finding them facing, with doing the Riverenza, they will end the Cascarda.

Lute tablature of the Cascarda Gentilezza D'Amore

Reconstruction of Gentilezza D'Amore

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