To the Most Serene Lady
The Lady Leonora de Medici,
Princess of Tuscany

Hear how much beauty divine, and clear
Discharges the happy Heaven proud example.
In whose, as in its own dwelling, and true,
Shines brightly each virtue to God most dear:
Which returns in you fixed, rare soul,
As in your own good the eye, and the thought,
Find to go to the Heaven easy path,
And to unite it to God in your turn learns,
Which admiring your goodness, to such ascends
With thinking to the power of which to you said,
That the essence of God sees, and understands;
Now if so much glory, and so much mercy
Are for to see you only turn, man takes
O happy which at  all times sees and hears you.

Fulgente Stella (Shining Star)

In Praise of the Most Serene Lady
The Lady Leonora de Medici
Princess of Tuscany

It is had to start this Ballo, standing the people facing, with doing then the Riverenza minima, 4 Trabuchetti presti, starting it withthe left foot: after the which is done 1 Seguito spezzato to the left, and meza Riverenza with the right foot: and to the right will be thence done another with the same right foot, and the meza Riverenza with the left foot.  In the wheel will be done then 4 Seguiti spezzati, starting each thing with the left foot; and 2 Scambiate, 1 to the left, the other to the right: then will be done 2 Riprese, and 2 Trabuchetti to the left, turning 1 Seguito spezzato also to the left, and doing the Cadenza with the right foot, finding them facing: they will be turned then to do 2 other Riprese to the right, together with 2 Trabuchetti, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the right, and the Cadenza with the left foot, finding them again facing as of above.

In the second time the man alone will do then facing to the lady 2 Passi presti, and the Cadenza, starting with the left, as of above, and 4 Trabuchetti presti, doing also 1 Seguito spezzato to the left side, and the meza Riverenza with the right foot; then to the right side will be done 1 Seguito spezzato with the right foot, and the meza Riverenza with the left foot.  It is had to be careful, that if said Cascarda will be done in fourth, it will be owed to do the braiding in this manner, that is; the men will take their lady, which will be to their right hand, and taking the right hand, they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati: and letting go said hand, they will do 2 Passi presti turned to the left, and the Cadenza facing, changing place; taking then the left hand of the Lady, they will do the same, returning each one to their place: and if said ballo will be done in 2, will be done the same taking first the left hand, and then the right: done the braiding, will be done the 2 said Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti, and the Seguito spezzato in turn to the one and the other hand, as of above.

In the third time, the lady will do the same change alone; then together they will do the same braiding.

In the fourth time, they will do together 4 Trabuchetti presti, and 1 Seguito semidoppio to the left, doing there a pause, that is, settling it some: and the same to the right, then they will do 1 Seguito spezzato to the left, and the meza Riverenza with the right: and the same to the right by opposite: doing then 4 Passi flanked back, as in Barriera: to the left they will do 2 Riprese, and  2 Trabuchetti with 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza facing: and the same they will do to the right by opposite: then doing the Riverenza, they will finish gracefully the Cascarda.

Lute tablature, with the music of the Sonata of the cascarda, Fulgente Stella, done in 4 Times.

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