To the Most Serene Lady
The Lady Margherita Farnese Gonzaga,
Princess of Mantoua

Since that I am not able to fill in my verses
To raise, lady of glory eternal heir,
Your beauty, which exceeds each other one,
I will incline consecrating the dance to her;
As good in place my Love you owe
Not to be silent as even now is seen
To burn this woman a thousand souls, and to do thence prizes,
So that they will raise you up at all times new Trophies;
Since that soon which to learn so lovely in sight
Each heart rests caught, and to you subject,
Not of to be overtaken in servitude are become sad;
But bound in such good knot, and straight
Sweet more than other, and true joy acquires
Being born of such excellent and high object.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDCDCD

Florido Giglio (Flowering Lily)

In Praise of the Princess of Mantoua.

This cascarda is divided in 4 times; and standing them facing, they have to take the right hand, and to do 1 Seguito spezzato with the left foot, and the Riverenza minima with the right, turning them both to the right, and doing 2 Seguiti spezzati, starting it with the right foot: then taking the left hand, they have to return to do the same by opposite.  In wheel then they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati, and 4 Trabuchetti presti, 2 Fioretti, and 2 Trabuchetti, 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza.  Will be done then that 2 Scambiate, the 1 to the left, and the other to the right: then 2 Riprese, and 2 Trabuchetti with the left flank back, and 2 Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza; then they will return to do 2 other Riprese, and 2 Trabuchetti with the right flank back, and 2 Passi presti forward, starting with the right,and the Cadenza.

In the second time, the man alone will do 1 Seguito semidoppio with the left foot to the left side, 2 Trabuchetti presti, 1 Seguito spezzato with the left, and the Riverenza minima with the right foot; the same he will do to the right flank by opposite; then he will follow with 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, starting it with the left foot, and 2 Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza; the same he will do another turn, starting it with the right foot: then he will do a change of Canario in this manner; He will do 2 beats with the feet, the one with the left, and the other with the right; then 1 Seguito battuto di Canario; and the same change will be done another turn by opposite.  Then the man settling, the lady will do the same change.  They will do together then 2 Passi presti back flanked, and 1 Trango forward with the left, and 2 Seguiti spezzati turned to the right, starting said Seguiti with the right foot: then they will return to do the same Passi presti back, and the Trango forward, starting it with the right, and turning 2 Seguiti spezzati to the left, starting it with the left foot.

In the third time, the lady alone will do the same change which the man will have done.

In the fourth time, similarly they will do together 1 Seguito spezzato with the left foot, 2 Trabuchetti, the one with the right, and the other with the left; then 2 Riprese to the right, with 2 Trabuchetti, 1 with the right, and the other with the left, as of above.  The same they will return to do to the right side by opposite.  Back will be done 2 Fioretti flanked, with 2 Passi presti back, and 2 forward, and the Cadenza, starting it with the left.  Will be turned then to do another turn by opposite: then 1 Passo with the left, and the Riverenza minima with the right; and 1 Passo with the right, and the Riverenza minima with the left.  Finally will be done 2 Passi presti flanked back,  and 1 Trango, starting it with the same foot, with 2 Seguiti spezzati turned to the right, and the same will be turned to do by opposite.  And in the end, standing them facing they will do the Riverenza.

Lute tablature, with the music of the Sonata of the Cascarda Florido Giglio, done in 4 Times.

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