To the Most Illustrious Lady
The Lady Costanza Sforza Buoncompagni
Duchess of Sora

Behold Costanza Sforza, behold the rare
Your divine virtue, high thence the Hiperico
Pass inflamed of immortal ardor,
And keep always your flames bright;
Well is able the courteous time to consume
The iron, and the works of most great Sculptors;
But not is able now of Your eternal honors
The living glory to quench, or to abate.
Blessed then, which scorns you the ire
Of the Time; and Oblivion is not able to take to your
Name, that dignity, which most here below is loved,
Yes, which it is not raised, where with praises aspire
By that path, which virtue it has shown
To make eternal her clear Fame.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDECDE

To the Same Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Lady
The Lady Costanza Sforza Buoncompagni
Duchess of Sora

Although less would be deigning, or my earthly God
To your works would be the art, and the style
Moreover of your immortal shining light
Those taught are done, and these at all times gentle;
And certain I would not have feathers to fly,
If my power, which is manner neglected, and vile
Not were come of You, which by custom
Thou art at all times in me the soul inflamed,
And it wish most attentive to your honors.
Thus the Constant Love, which in you rises up
Of  your Hero with sweet and noble weight
Would be resting in eternal, and to better times.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDECDE

Amor Costante (Constant Love)

In Praise of the Most Illustrious and Most Excellent Lady
Duchess of Sora

The man, and the lady, standing them facing without taking hand, as is had in the present design, do together gracefully the Riverenza grave, with 2 Continenze: then the man will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario forward, facing to the lady: the whom will do the same back, starting it with the left foot; and both will do the same by opposite, that is the Lady will do the 2 Passi gravi with the Seguito ordinario forward with the right foot, and the man will do the same back, doing always said effects together: After they will take the right hand, doing together 2 Trabuchetti gravi, the one to the left, and the other to the right, with 2 Riprese to the left.  They will do the same taking the left hand, starting it with the right foot; the lady will do then 2 Seguiti ordinari turned to the left, and the man thence will do another 2 flanked forward, taking the left hand of the lady, and doing together the Riverenza grave.

In the second time, walking will be done 2 Puntate, and 4 Seguiti, and letting go said hand, thence are done another 2 turned to the left hand: facing will be done 2 Trabuchetti gravi, and 1 Seguito to the left flank: starting it with the left: and the same will be done to the right, with the right foot, doing 2 other seguiti turned to the left, as of above;then facing the Riverenza.

In the third time, taking the right hand, will be done 2 Passi, and 1 Seguito to the left flank, starting it with the left foot, then letting go, they will be turned together, and will do 2 other Passi, and 1 Seguito with the right foot, changing place.

In the fourth time, they will do the same taking the left hand, and returning each one to their place; Facing they will return to do 2 Trabuchetti gravi, and 1 Seguito to the left flank, starting it with the left foot: and the same they will do to the right flank with the right foot, doing the turns of the Ballo named the Contrapasso.   Then they will take the right hand, and will do 1 Passo with the left foot to the left flank, and the Riverenza with the right foot, turning together 2 Seguiti to the righthand.  They will take then the left hand, and will do 1 Passo with the left foot to the left flank, and the Riverenza with the left, with 2 other Seguiti turned moreover to the left.

To the Sciolta of the Sonata.

They will take the right arm doing 2 Seguiti spezzati; then letting it go, they will be turned to the left, and thence will do another 2, distancing them a little the one from the other, and changing place: Facing they will do another 4 Seguiti spezzati forward flanked; and they will do the same taking the left arm, turning then to the right, and returning each one to their place.  Done which they will have the 4 Seguiti spezzati forward, as of above, they will do 2 Trabuchetti gravi, and 1 Seguito to the left flank, starting it with the left foot: and the same they will do to the right flank, with the right foot.  After the lady will do the abovesaid turns of the Ballo of Contrapasso, and the man will do 2 Seguiti flanked back, and another 2 forward, taking the lady by the ordinary hand, and pausing them where they will return most commodiously, and doing together the Riverenza, they will finish the Ballo.

Lute tablature, with the music of the Sonata of the Balletto Amor Costante, done in 4 Times.

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