To the Most Illustrious Lady
The Lady Giulia Savella Orsina.

Oh of double beauty proud, and rare
Women, from whose lovely eyes issue forth
So many rays of honesty, and of valor,
How many flowers have field to the season most dear.
In whose front most fair, and clear,
Which the great Planed, which distinguishes the hour,
All its prizes, and its glories, and honors
Open, and display, and the Heaven adorns you, and purifies.
That soul then shall be so low, and vile,
That to the sweet sparking of Your look,
To the blazing of the angelic smile,
Would not be done more of other, high, and gentle;
And which not say; Alas for which too much late,
Bequeath, to open these eyes in so fair face.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDECDE

Bella Gioiosa  (Fair Joyous)

In Praise of the Most Illustrious Lady
The Lady Giulia Savella Orsina.

This balletto has to be done in 3, that is, 2 men, and 1 lady, or 2 ladies, and 1 man: and the hands will be taken in the wheel, and they will do the Riverenza in balzetto, as is used in the Cascarde, with 4 Trabuchetti to the left, and letting go all the hands, they will be turned to the left, and they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati, with 2 Passi gravi forward, and the Cadenza, starting each thing with the left.  In the wheel then they will do all together 4 Seguiti spezzati, with 2 Scambiate, the 1 to the left, and the other to the right: then that which guides the Ballo, will do 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza with the right, that is, if 1 man and 2 women will do, the man will guide this, but if it were 1 lady, and 2 men, she will guide the Ballo: thus in the end of the Cadenza, which the one who guides does, that man, or that lady which stands to the right hand has to answer, and has to do it with the left foot, with another Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza, as of above: the third will do the same which the others will have done: after, that which guides the Ballo will do 2 Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza, starting with the left, with 5 Seguiti battuti del Canario, starting it moreover with the left: and if they would not know how to do it, will do in its place 4 Trabuchetti: then it will be followed with 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti to the left, 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza with the right: that then which will stand to the right hand of them, will do the same change, which they will have done: and the third companion will do the same.  That done, they will joust together in this manner, that is: Each one will be turned with the left flank inward, doing 4 Seguiti spezzati, 1 forward, 1 back, and 2 passing forward, starting with the left: and that which guides, will pass always in middle, changing place: they will return to do the same another turn; returning therefore each one to their place.

After in the wheel all together will do 2 Seguiti semidoppii to the left, 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti, 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza with the right foot facing: they will do the same to the right by opposite.  Together they will do then facing 2 Fioretti a pie pari, 1 to the left flank, and the other to the right, with 2 Passi presti back, passing with 2 Seguiti spezzati, and changing place, starting with the left: they will return to do the same another turn, returning each one to their place.  After that they will do the Chain, or braiding, with 6 Seguiti spezzati, and that which will guide the Ballo, will pass the companions by middle, turning to the left; then will return to pass another turn to the right: and the companions will do the same Seguiti, and turns: to the end of the which Chain each one has to find him again in his place, and to do 2 Passi presti forward, with the Cadenza, starting each thing with the left foot.

After they will do 4 Trabuchetti, and 4 Seguiti battuti di Canario, 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti to the left, 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza with the right, finding it to the end of these in a triangle: the which would be the end of the Cascarda.

Lute tablature of the Cascarda Bella Gioiosa, were done 2 times without the Ritornelli [twirlings?]

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