To the Most Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Virginia Anguillara Bordugiera.

Between so much beauty, and adornments,
Whence Virginia is above each other flower,
Most of You thing I not behold also,
Which holds my eyes satisfied, and content;
But if I the settle to contemplate fixed
In the seeming gentle, which me falls in love,
Which fault is mine, which flashing then
You look towards me most which shoots burning?
If it is not forbidden to behold the Stars,
Which are lights of the Heaven; because I am taken
Of to see the other things in earth lovely?
Now if to my Ballo to turn you the turn,
I will go scattering in these parts, and in those,
Which the flower of each beauty is in you recalled.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDCDCD

Amor Felice (Happy Love)
Balletto d'Incerto

In Praise of the Illustrious Lady
The Lady Virginia Dell'Anguillara Bordugiera

The man will take the ordinary hand of the lady, and they will do together the Riverenza, with 2 Continenze, 1 to the left, and the other to the right: then letting it go, they will do 2 Seguiti ordinarii turned to the left: after they will return to retake said hand, and they will do the Riverenza with the left.

In the second time, walking, they will do 2 Puntate gravi, 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario, starting it with the left: they will do the same starting it with the right: and letting it go, they will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario, starting with the left, and turning it to the left: they will do then another 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario, starting it with the right, walking to the left flank:  facing they will do then 2 Puntate, 1 forward taking both the hands, and the other back, letting it go: after the which they will do 2 Riprese, and 3 Trabuchetti to the left.  They will return then to take the hands another time, and will do the same which they have done of above, but starting with the right:  the which done, they will do 2 Seguiti flanked forward, starting with the left foot: then turning the body a little in perspective to the left, they will do 1 Passo grave with the same foot, and touching the right hand, they will do the Riverenza with the right; after that they will return to do another 2 Seguiti flanked, and 1 Passo with the right, touching the left hand, and the Riverenza with the left.

In the third time, the man alone will do 2 Puntate flanked back, and walking to the left hand, he will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario: then he will return to do 2 other Puntate back, with 2 Passi, and 1 Seguito, walking to the right hand, starting with the right.  After, together they will do 2 Puntate, 1 forward, and the other back, touching the hands: then letting them go, as of above, they will turn to the left hand, starting it with the left foot; they will return then to do the same, starting with the right, and turning to the right hand, they will do 2 Seguiti flanked forward, with 1 Passo grave with the left foot, and the Riverenza with the right, touching the right hand.  They will do the same turning the body a little to the right; the which done, they will follow to do 2 other Seguiti flanked forward, starting it with the right foot, and turning the body in perspective, they will do 1 Passo grave with the right, touching the left hand; and they will finish the third time with doing the Riverenza with the left.

In the fourth time, the lady alone will do the same which the man will have done in the third time, except, that when she will have done the 2 Seguiti flanked forward, in place of doing the Passo grave, and the Riverenza with the right, and touching the right hand, they will be taken by the hands, and will do the Riverenza grave with the left: after the which they will do 4 Seguiti, 2 back, and 2 forward, taking it by the ordinary hand.

To the sciolta of the Sonata.

They will do together the Riverenza grave, with 2 Continenze: then walking they will do 4 Seguiti spezzati, starting each thing with the left: and letting go the hand, thence they will do another 4 turned to the left,  resting with the right flank outward; after the which they will do 2 Riprese with the left inward, and changing flank, thence they will do another 2.  After they will return to do 2 Riprese with the right flank inward, and with the left outward; then with the left flank they will do the same.  They will return then each one to their place, with doing 2 Seguiti scorsi: after they will do 2 Seguiti flanked, 2 Passi grave back, and 1 Seguito forward, touching the hands; then they will return to do another 4 Seguiti, 2 flanked back, and the other 2, the lady will do hers turned to the left, and the man will do his forward: finally taking them by the ordinary hand they will finish the Ballo with doing the Riverenza.

Lute tablature of the Balletto, Amor Felice.

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