To the Illustrious Lady
The Lady Martia Rustici Sergardi,
Roman Gentlewoman

For to make Heaven, and Nature, and Art
To wonder at today here below all the people,
And the prize to take to the high Stars burning,
And to enrich the soul City of Mars;
Martia to bring forth You, which in each part
You show of virtue apparent marks;
And of wit, and valor graces excellent,
Which to few the rare good destiny imparts.
You lovely, you gentle, you graceful,
You modest, you chaste, you courteous,
And you prudent, and wise in each thing;
Such that the high Rustici, whence you descended,
And the grand Sergardi, where your soul is newly wedded,
Have clear and public boast by you.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDCDCD

Alta Sergarda (High Sergarda)

In Praise of the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Martia Rustici Sergardi,
Roman Gentlewoman

Standing the people facing, they will do after the Riverenza minima, 2 Seguiti spezzati in the wheel, 4 Trabuchetti facing, another Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza with the right foot facing: to the left then they will do 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti with the left flank outward, and 1 Seguito spezzato, starting each thing with the left foot, and doing the Riverenza with the right.  They will do the same also to the right flank outward by opposite.

In the second time, they will do in the wheel 4 Seguiti spezzati, starting with the left foot, and 2 Scambiate, 1 to the left, and the other to the right: then of new they will return to do to the left the same Riprese, Trabuchetti, Spezzato, and Riverenza, but with the right foot; and they will do the same to the right by opposite.

In the third time, they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked, 1 Passo grave to the left, and the Riverenza with the right foot, touching the right hand in doing the Riverenza: after with the same right foot, they will be turned in perspective, and will do 2 other Seguiti spezzati flanked, with 1 Passi grave, and the Riverenza with the left foot, touching the left hand.  After they will return to do the same Riprese, Trabuchetti, and Seguito spezzato to the left, with the Riverenza with the right foot; and they will do the same to the right by opposite.

In the final time, they will do in the wheel 2 Seguiti spezzati, and 1 Seguito semidoppio, starting it with the left foot: they will do the same to the right by opposite.  After to the left they will do 2 Riprese, 4 Passi presti, 2 back, and 2 flanked forward trangati, with 2 Seguiti turned to the left, and 2 Passi presti forward, starting each thing with the left foot, and doing the Cadenza with the right foot facing, as was done in the start: to the end of the which they will also put end to the said Cascarda with the Riverenza.

Lute tablature of the Cascarda Alta Sergarda

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