To the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Virginia Mancini Gloriera,
Roman Gentlewoman
Not less proud turn, not less high
Sacred and famous Tebro now holds gods,
Of that which you feast then, when were seen
Live the Glory of the Roman Empire;
Which if most of one King vanquished, and prisoner
To transcend in end of Parthi, and of Sabei
Your great Dukes, and of immortal Trophies
With the arms, and with the valor richly fierce:
Today Virginia, not with iron, or shield
But with one thread only of the golden hair,
The men prisoner to your shores are led.
Render humble each heart eager, and crude,
Conquer each strong man, each fierceness tamed
With the turning only of the one, and the other eye.
Original rhyme scheme - ABBA.ABBA/CDECDE
Gloria D'Amore (Glory of Love)
In Praise of the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Virginia Mancina Glorieri,
Roman Gentlewoman
They will do the Riverenza minima facing, then in the wheel they
will do 2 Seguiti spezzati, with 2 Scambiate, 1 to the left, and the
other to the right; and 2 Puntate, 1 forward, the other back: after the
which they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, with 2 Passi presti
forward, and the Cadenza, starting each thing with the left foot,
except the Cadenza.
In the second time, they will do 4 Seguiti spezzati in the wheel, 4
Trabuchetti facing, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the
Cadenza: then they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, 2 Riprese,
and 2 Trabuchetti turning the left flank inward; to the end of which
they will do 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza, as
yet is said of above.
Change of the man alone, and after together
In the third time, the man alone will do 2 Fioretti a pie pari, 2 Passi
presti back, with 1 Seguito spezzato, turning the body in perspective
to the left, and starting with the left, and in that instant will do
the Riverenza minima with the right: he will do the same another time
from the beginning, starting each thing with the right foot, and the
Riverenza with the left: after together they will do 2 Puntate, 1
forward, and the other back, with 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti to the left,
and 1 Seguito spezzato turned likewise to the left, and the Cadenza
with the right.
Change of the lady alone, and after together
In the fourth time, the lady will do the same which the man will have
done, and if by chance she will not know to do the Fioretti, in place
of these she will do 4 Trabuchetti, with the Seguito spezzato and the
Riverenza minima with the right: she will return to do the same another
turn, starting each thing with the right, and the Riverenza with the
left; after that they will do together the other actions which yet are
said in the change of the man.
In the fifth time, they will do in the wheel 2 Seguiti spezzati, and 1
Seguito semidoppio, starting it with the left: they will do the same to
the right, starting it with the right; then they will do 2 Trabuchetti
gravi, 1 to the left touching the right hand, the other to the right
touching the left hand: finally they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked
back, with 2 Passi presti forward: and the Cadenza. Against time
they will do then the Riverenza, and will finish the Cascarda.
Lute tablature of the Cascarda Gloria D'Amore
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