The LARP Schema

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To illustrate how ProWiki works, I provide here a very simple "schema". Mind, this isn't a hard-and-fast schema like you would find in a RDBMS. This is an object schema, a collection of objects that serve as base classes and helpers for building real systems. It isn't comprehensive, by any means, but it should give you some idea of how the system works.

This schema is designed for writing Live-Action Roleplaying games, aka LARPs. LARP-writing is why I created ProWiki in the first place. It is particularly fitted to this solution, because writing a LARP is all about world-building, and ProWiki's support for semi-structured data is very well suited for world-building. Poke around, and see how it all works. Feel free to look at the sources, but please do not edit any of these pages.

Base classes (note that these appear to be empty, but actually have properties defined):

Display templates:

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Last edited August 24, 2004 5:14 pm by