Spagnoletta (Little Spaniard?)
Without taking hand, the lady will stand to one head of the
hall, and the man to the other: where together they will do the
Riverenza, then in the wheel they will do 4 Seguiti spezzati, with 2
Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza to feet even, and to the left
they will do 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to
the left, starting with the left, with the Cadenza with the right; then
they will do the same Riprese, Trabuchetti, and Seguito spezzato in
turn to the right, starting with the right foot, and the Cadenza with
the left: after that they will do 2 Passi trangati back flanked in the
manner of Barriera,
with 2 Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza, starting with the left;
they will do the same by opposite, starting with the right.
In the second time they will do in the wheel 6 Seguiti spezzati, with 2
Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza to feet even: they will do then
the same which they will have done in the first change, starting from
the Riprese with the other things which followed, so to the left, as to
the right.
In the third time, the man alone will do 2 Seguiti spezzati turned to
the left, with 2 Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza to feet even,
starting with the left foot. He will do the same another turn
turning to the right hand, and starting with the right; then he will do
2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left,
starting with the left foot, with the Cadenza with the right; then he
will do the same another turn by opposite, starting with the
right. After together they will do 2 Passi trangati flanked back,
with 2 other Passi presti forward, and the Cadenza, starting with the
left: and they will return to do the same by opposite, starting with
the right.
In the fourth time, the lady alone will do the same change which the
man will have done; then together they will do the Passi trangati back,
and forward, as yet is said in the abovesaid change.
In the fifth time, they will do similarly together 2 Passi presti to
the left, with the Cadenza, starting it with the left foot, and 4
Trabuchetti facing, starting it with the right; then they will do 2
other Passi presti, with the Cadenza to the right, starting it with the
right, and 4 Trabuchetti, starting it with the left. After they
will do the previously said Riprese and Trabuchetti to the left, with
the Seguito spezzato turned also to the left, and the Cadenza: and they
will do the same another turn by opposite. Finally they will do 2
Passi trangati back, and 2 Passi presti forward, with the Cadenza,
starting with the left foot; and they will do the same starting with
the right: facing then they will end the Ballo with the Riverenza.
Lute tablature of the Spagnoletta
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