Spagnoletta Nuova (New Spagnoletta)
To do in 3;

In Praise of the Very Magnificent
Madonna Giulia Paulina de' Rossi

The people will stand in a triangle, that is, 2 ladies, and 1 man, or 2 men, and 1 lady, and together they will do the Riverenza minima, and 4 Trabuchetti; then they will do 4 Seguiti spezzati, 2 in the wheel, and 2 turned to  the left.  After all turning the left flank outward, they will do 2 Riprese, 2 Trabuchetti, and 1 Seguito spezzato in perspective to the left, starting each thing with the left foot, and doing the Riverenza minima with the right.  Then turning the right flank, they will do the same Riprese, Trabuchetti, and Seguito spezzato in perspective to the left, starting with the right foot, and the Riverenza minima with the left foot: after they will do 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, with 4 Seguiti battuti di Canario, starting it with the left foot: they will do the same Seguiti spezzati, and Seguiti battuti by opposite, starting it with the right foot.

In the second time, they will do 6 Seguiti spezzati, 4 in the wheel, and 2 turned to the left, with 4 Trabuchetti facing: then starting from the turning the left flank outward, they will do all the actions which yet are said in the first time.

In the third time, if there are one man and two women, the man will start to do the chain, or braiding as they are wont to say it, passing in the middle of them, and he will turn to the left of that lady which will stand to the left; then he will return to pass, and will turn to the right; the same will do the ladies who will be found to the left; and to the right, and they will do 6 Seguiti spezzati, at the end of which (which each one will be returned to their place) they will do 2 Passi presti forward and the Cadenza; then turning the left flank outward, they will do all the same actions done yet in the first, as in the second change, as of above.

In the fourth time, the lady who will stand to the right hand of the man, will start to do the same chain, passing in the middle, but turning to the left hand towards the man, and so they will follow all together to do that which was done in the third time.

In the fifth time, the other lady will start to do the same chain, each one always returning therefore to their place; doing all the other actions said of above.

In the sixth time, all together will do 2 Fioretti a piedi pari, 2 Trabuchetti, 2 Passi presti, and 1 Seguito spezzato to the left, starting it with the left foot.  They will do the same to the right, starting with the right, then turning the left flank outward, they will do all the actions said in the other times, and in the end finding them again in a triangle,as they started, against the time of the sound they will do the Riverenza, and will finish the Ballo.

The same sonata of the Spagnoletta would be done.

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