To the Most Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Beatrice Orsina Sforza Conti.

Beatrice Orsina Sforza, honest, and beautiful.
Nymph of the Tebro, which the loved shores
You adorn, and make so clear, and sweet of waves,
Which there ever not to learn wind or storm:
Oh sweet god, oh flaming star,
In whom sweet sees oneself, in whom is hidden from,
In whom is shown, in whom is given form, and empowers
Each soul gentle, pure, and nimble.
Oh clear Sun, which of the greater light
of the Heaven you were having so noble state
For to illustrate each darkened mind;
Scatter the clear splendor, which in you shines.
To my Grace of Love, for you yet born,
That with your favor it shall be shining.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDECDE

Gratia D'Amore (Grace of Love)

In Praise of the Most Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Beatrice Orsina Sforza Conti.

The man will take both the hands of the lady (as is shown in the figure of Contentezza d'Amore) and they will do together the Riverenza: then letting it go, they will be turned with 2 Seguiti to the left, and will do 2 Continenze, 1 to the left, touching the right hand, and the other to the right, touching the left hand.

Inthe second time, the man will take the ordinary hand of the lady, and walking together, they will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito, starting it with the left foot: after the which they will do with the right foot back 2 Passi, and 2 Riprese to the right flank: and following the same, they will do 4 Seguiti ordinarii, and 2 Continenze.

In the third time, they will take the right hand, and will do 2 Passi, and 1 Seguito; then letting that go, they will take the left, and will do another 2 Passi, and 1 Seguito with 2 Continenze, starting with the right foot.

In the fourth time, they will take the ordinary hand, and walking, will do 2 Passi gravi: then letting it go, they will be turned, with the man doing 1 Seguito ordinario turned to the left, and the lady another turned to the right.  The lady then with the right hand will take the left of the man, and they will do 2 Passi forward, and 1 Seguito: then the man turning to the right hand, will do 1 Seguito ordinario: and the lady to the left thence will do another; then they will do together 2 Continenze, the one to the left, and the other to the right.

To the sciolta of the Sonata.

They will do together the Riverenza facing, and letting go the hand, they will change place with doing 4 Seguiti spezzati, 3 forward, and 1 turned to the left: then they will do facing 2 Trabuchetti gravi, and 1 Seguito spezzato turned to the left, and the Cadenza with the right.  They will do then 2 Fioretti a pie pari, 2 Passi presti back, and 2 Seguiti spezzati changing place, in the end of which Seguiti passing, he will give with the right hand a beat upon the right of the lady: and the same they will do another turn passing, and returning each one to their place, with giving the beat to the left hand, and with doing the 2 Trabuchetti gravi facing, and the Seguito spezzato turned to the left, as has been said above.

After will be done 4 Seguiti spezzati flanked forward, and 2 Continenze, 1 to the left, touching the right hand, and the other to the right, touching the left hand: after that they will take the ordinary hand, and will do 2 Puntate preste, 1 with the left foot forward, and the other with the right back: and to the end of said Sonata they will do the Riverenza, the man resting the lady in that place of the hall, which they will return to most commodiously.

Lute Tablature, of the Balletto Gratia d'Amore.

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