To the Most Illustrious Lady
And My Most Worshipful Patroness
The Lady Giovanna Caetana Orsina
You, whom distant of the multitude, and of the people
Soared up by the Heaven over the Stars,
And with the troops drawn proud, and fair
Will discourse countries high, and shining.
Wherefore to the spirits to such desire fixed
Cast off the course, with troubling those
Members which rule, and are ruled also her
Of your effects of virtues burning?
Wherefore moreover done outrage to the mortal veil,
With whom is united your soul wit
Forth of our use to the good perfect, and true?
Great joy is hers of turning to the Heaven,
As well as do live, and to make it equal
Of each spirit it goes up pure, and sincere.
Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDECDE
Bassa Romana (Roman Valley)
Balletto of M. Battistino;
In Praise of the Most Illustrious Lady
And My Most Worshipful Patroness
The Lady Giovanna Caetana Orsina.
The ordinary hand of the lady will be taken, doing together the
Riverenza, and 2 Continenze, and walking will be done 2 Puntate
forward, and 3 Doppii, starting it with the left foot: then will be
done 2 other Puntate, the 1 with the right foot, and the other with the
left, and 4 Riprese to the right flank; then with the left will be done
1 Continenza grave, and 4 Riprese to the same side, as of above, with 2
Continenze, and the Riverenza.
In the second time, the man alone will do 3 Seguiti ordinarii,
separating him somewhat, and facing he will do 4 Riprese to the right
flank. The lady will do the same 3 Seguiti flanked, but therefore
to her side, and 4 Riprese as of above. The man alone will do
then 2 Puntate flanked back, 3 Doppii, 1 to the left flank, the other
to the right, and the final back, starting it with the left: then he
will do 4 Riprese to the tight flank, and 2 Continenze facing, the 1 to
the left, and the other to the right. The which done, he will do
2 Seguiti scorsi, and putting him to the right hand of the lady, he
will take her by the right hand, and they will do together the
Riverenza: starting each thing with the left foot, except the Riprese.
In the third time, they lady alone, starting from the 2 Puntate, will
do all that which the man will have done of above.
To the sciolta of the Sonata in Gagliarda.
Walking together with the hand taken, they will do 4 Seguiti ordinarii;
then letting go the hand, thence they will do another 2, separating
them somewhat, and changing place with the turning to the left.
They will do then facing another 2 Seguiti flanked, with 2 Riprese, and
3 Trabuchetti with the left flank inward, starting it with the left
foot, and turning the right flank, they will do the same, starting it
with the right foot. That done, they will do 4 Seguiti, changing
place, and to the end they will be turned likewise to the left, as of
above. Facing will be done then 4 Seguiti flanked forward with
the same Riprese, and Trabuchetti to the one, and the other flank, as
of above. After walking, will be done 4 Seguiti ordinarii: then
the man will return to take the ordinary hand of the lady, and
pausing her where they will return most commodiously, they will finish
the Ballo with doing together the Riverenza.
Lute tablature, of the Balletto Bassa Romana.
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