Contrapasso Nuovo (New Counterpace)
Balletto in 6;

In Praise of the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Silvia Crispi Cardana

To do this Contrapasso, 6 people will befall you, 3 men, and 3 ladies; the which will stand in the wheel with this order, that is, 1 man and 1 woman, and all without taking hands will do together the Riverenza grave, and 2 Seguiti ordinarii turned to the left: and walking in the wheel, moreover to the left, they will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito semidoppio; then turning back facing, with finding them in the manner which they were standing in the start, they will do 2 Passi gravi and 3 Trabuchetti, starting it with the right and concluding to feet even.  They will return to do the same walk another turn.

After each one will take the right hand of his lady, and will do 2 Passi gravi, with 1 Seguito ordinario, starting it with the left, and changing place.  Then the man taking the left hand of the lady which he will find to the right hand, they will do together 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito semidoppio, changing place always: they will not be sorry, if the second turn they will be found without their lady, because then to the end of the third change, each one will be discovered again with his own.  The Semidoppio done, they will do 4 Seguiti ordinarii, 2 flanked back, and 2 forward.

Second change.

The men will take the lady who stands to the right hand by the right arm, and they will do the same which they will have done in the first change when they took her by the hands, always changing ladies, and place.

Third change.

The men taking the lady which stands to the right by both hands, they will do the same changes said above.  And to the end of this change each one will be discovered again at his place, as they were standing when they started the Ballo.

Chained walk done in the wheel.

Each man will take the right hand of his lady, and they will do together 1 Seguito grave with the left; then taking the hand of the other lady by the left, they will do another Seguito with the right; and so they will follow from hand to hand, doing always the chain in the wheel, until they will have done 6 Seguiti: to the end of which each one will be discovered again in his place with his lady: and they will do this in 3 times of the Sonata.  After that they will do together the Riverenza grave, and 2 Continenze, with 4 Seguiti flanked, 2 back, and 2 forward.  All together will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Doppio presto forward, starting with the left, and they will take hands in the wheel, then back they will do 2 Passi grave, and 2 Riprese to the right, starting with the right.  Letting go of hands then, they will do of new the said 4 Seguiti flanked, as of above.  Finally each man will take the right hand of his lady, and doing the Riverenza with the left foot; and each one turning the body to the lady which will stand to the left hand, they will take her left hand, and will do the Riverenza with the right: then all letting go will do 4 Seguiti flanked, 2 back, and 2 forward, scurrying, starting it with the right: finally they will end the Ballo with doing the Riverenza with the left foot, which they will be found to have forward.

Lute tablature of the Balletto Contrapasso Nuovo.

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