To the Same Most Illustrious Lady
The Lady Olimpia Orsina Cesi
Royal Lady of the Tebro eternal honor,
For whom convene which today virtue will be learned,
In whose shower their chosen and precious gifts
Of the third heaven the Goddess mother of Love.
You with the fair countenance the darksome horror
Of the most dark abysses makes clear
Making envy to the burning and clear rays
Of the great planet which divides the hours;
Within your youthful, chaste breast
Reason, valor, prudence, and courtesy
As in their faithful dwelling have received.
Conduct of you its major light forgets
It and to us each vile earthly effect,
And by straight path to the heavens is sent.
Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDCDCD
To the same Lady Olimpia
Love went seeking
To place together in beautiful lady the hear,
Which with rare beauty
Would be exceeding the Goddess which was born in the Sea:
And of the beautiful, and lovely
Mother to gather, of her ill prophet;
And so much pray, that she
Teach it one of her most lovely, and beautiful:
In the seven hills would be,
Said, that of beauty exceeds each other;
In whose Nature, and God
With each his might, you have put my:
For emblem have a rose,
Which to a cherry is rested upon, and is reposed,
Which with strong roots
To appear over six mountains proud, and happy.
Love is moved, now
To find this Goddess, which the world adores,
Letting go Cypress, and Camelia,
To make in her lap residence, and nest;
But when then near
Were approaching to the well turned holy, and divine,
Believing us to make prize,
Remains conquered, and to her is given in prize.
Original rhyme scheme - AA/BB/CC/DD/EE/FF/GG/HH/II/JJ/KK/LL
Cesia Orsina
In Praise of the Same Most Illustrious Lady
Olimpia Orsina Cesi,
Marquesse of Monticelli
This dance would be started, the man taking the right hand of
the lady, doing together the Riverenza (as is shown in the present
picture) then letting it go, they will be turned to the left, and will
do 2 Passi gravi, and 3 Trabuchetti facing, with the final to feet
even, settling them there some, and starting with the left. They
will be taken then with the left hand, and will do the same by
opposite. After that the man will take the lady by the ordinary
hand, and turning in perspective with the body towards the bystanders,
which they will be facing, they will do together 2 Continenze minime:
then walking, they will do 2 Puntate, and 4 Seguiti ordinarii,
concluding them to the end to manner of meza Riverenza; the hand will
be let go then, and they will do 4 other Seguiti scorsi, turning to the
left, and taking to the field enough; facing the man alone will do the
Riverenza grave with the left, and the lady will also do the same.
In the second time, the man alone will do 3 Seguiti, 2 flanked back,
and 1 finto forward, starting it with the left: then he will do 2
Riprese to the right, or in place of these Seguiti and Riprese, he will
do 1 change of Gagliarda in this same time. The lady then will
also do 4 Seguiti, 2 flanked forward, and 2 scorsi, turning her to the
left, and at the end of these doing meza Riverenza. After
together they will do 2 Puntate flanked, that is the man forward, and
the lady back, starting them with the left. They will return to
do the same by opposite, that is the lady forward, and the man back:
then they will do 2 Seguiti ordinarii flanked, and 2 Passi gravi turned
to the left, with 3 Trabuchetti facing, and the final to feet even,
starting it with the left foot. They will return to do the
same 2 Seguiti, and Passi, and Trabuchetti another turn by opposite:
the man alone will do then 1 Riverenza grave with the left, and the
lady alone will also do the same.
To the Sciolta of the Sonata.
They will take the right hand, and will do 4 Seguiti spezzati, 2 with
the hand taken, and 2 letting it go, turning to the left, and changing
place; the same they will do another turn, returning each one to their
place: after they will do 1 Seguito spezzato, turning the body in
perspective to the left side, and the Riverenza minima with the right;
then turning with the same foot to the right side, they will do 1
Seguito spezzato with the right, and the Riverenza minima with the
left. After that, they will do 2 Riprese, and 2 Trabuchetti with
the left, and 1 Seguito spezzato also turned to the left, with the
Cadenza facing: they will do the same to the right side by opposite.
To the Sonata of the Canario.
They will do first 2 Seguiti spezzati forward: then taking the arm,
thence they will do another 4, 2 with the arm taken, and 2 letting it
go, then turning to the left, they will do 2 Passi presti forward and
the Cadenza.
After that the man alone will do 1 Change of Canario, and that done, he
will be turned to the left doing 4 Seguiti spezzati schisciati, and in
the same time the lady thence will do also another 4, turned also to
the left: then they will do 2 Passi presti forward together, with the
Cadenza. After the lady alone will do also 1 Change of Canario,
and taking them by the left arm, they will do the same which they will
have done to the right, then returning each one to their place, they
will do another Change of Canario, then different from the first, as
will be shown in the Ballo of the Canario:
then doing together 2 Seguiti spezzati schisciati, they will be taken
by the ordinary hand, and will finish the Ballo with the Riverenza.
Lute tablature, and Music of Cesia Orsina, Balletto.
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