To The Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Giulia Matthei De Torres.
Whilst, which the heart in the most sublime object
Of you is raised for to enjoy you in part;
I feel that come me less the wit, and the art,
And of little seeing it I have great admiration.
But then that most major sweet delight
In me is engrassed, then which gives me part,
And issues me boundless joys from part to part,
Your great splendor between the others chosen.
Clear my Sun, of the whose great light appears
In me divine ray, which blazing
My heart awakens, and within that shines through,
Do which I must behold, and with most clear light
To launch which secure to the tempestuous sea,
You go the Ship my fearful errand.
Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDEECD
Amor Mio (My Love)
Balletto of M. Paolo Arnandes.
In Praise of the Illustrious Lady
The Lady Giulia Matthe De Torres.
The ordinary hand will be taken, and together will be done the
Riverenza minima, with 2 Continenze minime, 1 to the left, and the
other to the right: then letting go the hand, they will do 1 Doppio
presto turned to the left, and 1 Seguito scorso facing: then taking of
new the ordinary hand, they will do together the Riverenza.
In the second time, walking, they will do together 3 Doppii presti, and
another Doppio scorso; to the end of which they will reach the left
foot to even of the right; then with this left they will do the
In the third time, following said walk, they will do 2 Puntate gravi,
and 1 Doppio presto, with 2 Riprese to the right, and the Riverenza
with the left.
Change of the man.
In the fourth time, the man alone will do 2 Puntate flanked back, and 3
Passi presti flanked, 2 back, and 1 forward, starting each thing with
the left foot; then he will do 1 Trabuchetto to feet even, turning the
right flank inward: after they will do together 1 Doppio presto turned
to the left, finding them again at the end of this facing: then with
the right foot, which is arrived to even, he will do 2 Passi presti
back, 1 with the right, and the other with the left, with 1 Seguito
scorso forward, and the Riverenza with the left.
In the fifth time, the man alone will do Cinque passi soprapiede, first
to the left, then to the right, otgether with 3 Passi presti flanked, 2
back, and 1 forward, with 1 Salto to feet even, as of above; then they
will be turned together to the left, and they will do 1 Doppio presto,
and another scorso facing, and the Riverenza: and the lady would be
careful, that while the man will do the change, of doing to the time
some beautiful, modest, and stately act.
Change of the lady alone.
In the sixth time, the lady alone will do the same things which the man
will have done, doing each turn the prestated turns as of above, that
is together.
In the seventh time, they will do 2 Riprese grave to the right, with 3
Passi presti flanked, 2 back, and 1 forward, starting it with the left
foot, and 1 Salto to feet even with the right flank inward.
In the eighth time, they will take the right hand, and will do 3
Tranghi, starting it with the left foot, and letting go said hand, they
will do 1 Trabuchetto to feet even with the right flank back.
In the ninth time, together they will do Cinque passi soprapiede to the
left, and another Cinque to the right, with the same 3 Passi presti
flanked, 2 back, and 1 forward, with 1 Trabuchetto to feet even with
the right flank inward; and turning then to the left hand, they will do
1 Doppio presto, and another Scorso, then the man taking the ordinary
hand of the lady, they will put end to the Balletto with doing
together the Riverenza.
Lute tablature, of the Balletto Amor Mio.
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