The Tyger of Foreign Legions*
The Tyger of Foreign Legions (established by Gaufred Kelson and Geneviere
d’Alsace, June 19, A.S. 40.
The Tyger of Foreign Legions may be awarded by the King and Queen to any East
Kingdom gentle that has demonstrated exceptional
martial prowess on the field, field support, staff, or other gentles who
support the East Kingdom at events held in another Kingdom.
b. A Gentle may receive the Tyger of
Foreign Legions Distinction more than once, and no upper or lower limits on the
number to be awarded per reign will be imposed.
c. A scroll is
*sometimes referred to as "The Foreign Tyger"
09/24/2005 Gulugjab Tangghudai
09/24/2005 Feral von Halstern
09/24/2005 Luis de Castillo
09/24/2005 Turc Mac Kinnon
09/24/2005 Cullyn Mac Kinnon
09/24/2005 Darius Aurelius Serpentius
09/24/2005 Gaufred Kelson von Heidelberg
09/24/2005 Ejin
09/24/2005 Dharr al-Shaatir ibn Abd al-Muntaquim
09/24/2005 Cett Donegal
09/24/2005 Aquila
09/24/2005 Mord the Green
09/24/2005 Wulfbrand Weigand
09/30/2006 Uilleam mac Lennan
03/20/2010 Brannat Dubh called Raven
03/20/2010 Andreas der Eisfalke