The following excerpt is a transcription of a transcription; I got it from Rowan Harbinger's transcription in Tournaments Illuminated #122.
S: Goe to, let us play at Primero then.
A: Let us agree of our Game. What shall we plaie for?
S: One shilling stake and three rest.
A: Agreede, goe to, discarde.
S: I vye it; will you houlde it?
A: Yea, sir, I hould it and re-vye it; but dispatch.
S: Faire and softly, I praie you. 'Tis a great matter. I cannot have a chiefe carde.
A: And I have none but coate cardes.
S: Will you put it to me?
A: You bid me to losse.
S: Will you swigg?
A: 'Tis the least part of my thought.
S: Let my rest goe then, if you please.
A: I hould it. What is your rest?
S: Three crowns and one third, showe. What are you?
A: I am four and fiftie; and you?
S: Oh! filthie luck; I have lost it one ace.