The following list is a subset of the listings in A Bibliography of Works in English on Playing Cards and Gaming, by Frederic Jessel, published by Longmans, Green, and Co., London, New York and Bombay, 1905. (Library of Congress Z5481.J45.) This invaluable work is an attempt to list all references to games up until its time, including references in literature as well as full descriptions. I have excerpted all entries prior to 1700, adding comments in square braces. The numbers given are the numbers from Jessel.
(Note also that Jessel refers to several earlier works, including bibliographies by "Watt, Lowndes, Allibone, and Hazlitt". He credits these whenever a source was in one of them. Also, he refers to a "Bibliography of Conjuring by Mr. E. Stanyon" for more details on card tricks.)
46. Arbuthnot, John. Of the Laws of Chance; or, a Method of the Calculation of the Hazards of Game. Plainly demonstrated, and applied to Games at present most in Use, which may be easily extended to the most intricate cases of Chance imaginable. xxii+93 pp. 12mo. Randall Taylor, London, 1692.
75. Balmford, James. A Short and Plain Dialogue Concerning the Unlawfulness of Playing at Cards or Tables or any other Games consisting in Chance. 14pp. 12mo. R. Boile, London, 1593. (Second edition, 1607.)
76. Balmford, James. A Short and Plain... To which is added a Discourse by E.Elton against the Use of Lots in reply to Mr. Gataker. 143pp. 8vo. R. Boile, London, 1623. (George Walker, No. 1633, mentions "On various Games, including Chess", 8vo., 1623. This is probably No. 76.)
77. Balmford, James. Answers to Gataker's Answers for the Unlawfulness of a Lusorious Lot. 8vo. 1623. (Watt.)
160. Brant, Sebastian. Shyp of Folys of the Worlde, translated out of Laten, Frenche, and Doche, into Englisshe Tonge, by Alexander Barclay, Preste. 277ll. Folio. R. Pynson, London, 1509. (Of Carde Players and Dysers f. 157, with a woodcut. There were many subsequent editions and a reprint by T. H. Jameson, in 2 vols, 4to, Edinburgh, 1874.)
161. Brathwaite, Richard. The English Gentleman, containing Sundry excellent Rules or exquisite Observations tending to Direction of every Gentleman of selecter ranke and qualitie, How to demeane or accomodate himselfe in the manage of publicke or private affaires. 18+462pp. 4to. Robert Bostock, London, 1630. (With a frontispiece by R. Vaughan and its explanation. "Recreation", pp. 165-231.)
162. Brathwaite, Richard. Whimzies; or, a New Cast of Characters. 16+211pp. 12mo. Ambrose Rithirdon, London, 1631. (A Gamester, p. 48. With an Appendix -- A Cater character thrown out of a Boxe. By an experienced Gamester. 45pp. This work is signed "Clitus Alexandrinus", but is believed to be written by Brathwaite. It was reprinted in 4to by Mr. Halliwell in 1859.)
163. Bray, W. Account of the Lottery of 1567, being the first upon record. Read Jan. 29, 1816. "Archaeologia", vol. 19, pp. 79-87. 4to. London, 1821.
164. Brent, Cecil. On a Pack of Cards of the Sixteenth Century, found in the cover of an old book. "The Journal of the British Archaeological Association", vol. 37, pp. 89-91, and plate. 8vo. London, 1881.
226. A New Game at Cards, or the Three Nimble Shuffling Cheaters. (A broadside, S. sh. folio, with two cuts. 17th century.)
227. A New Game at Cards. C. 1670. (Eight verses and music. S. sh. Folio. Willshire.)
265. Churchyard, Thomas. A Ballet Intituled Admonition Agaynste Dice Playe. Thomas Colwell, London, 1567. (Hazlitt.)
271. Cleland, James. Heropaipeia; or, The Institution of a Young Nobleman. xiv+271pp. 4to. J. Barnes, Oxford, 1607. (Pp. 226-230, of House Games. Mention is made of "cardes, french cardes called Tareaux, and such like Plaies." Reprinted as "The Scottish Academie" by E. White, London, 1611.)
304. Cotgrave, John. Wit's Interpreter: the English Parnassus. Or a Sure Guide to those Admirable Accomplishments that compleat our English Gentry, in the most acceptable Qualifications of Discourse or Writing. In which briefly the whole Mystery of those pleasing Witchcrafts of Eloquence and Love, are made easie in the following subjects: viz. 2. The Labyrinth of Fancies, New Experiments and Inventions... 7. Games and Sports now us'd at this day among the gentry of England, etc... The second edition with many new additions by J. C. xii+496pp. 8vo. N. Brook, London, 1662.
305. Cotgrave, John. Wit's Interpreter... The third edition. xii+524pp. 8vo. N. Brook and O. Blagrave, London, 1671. (With a curious engrave frontispiece of portraits of the principal contemporary authors, the Muses and Drollery. This book is the earliest that has come down to us with a treatise on games of cards. Part 7, referred to on the title, has chapters on the Noble Spanish Game, called L'Ombre; the ingenious Game called Picket; the Noble and delightful Game at Gleek; the Gentile Game of Cribbage; and the Princely Game of Chesse. The first edition was published by N. Brook in 1571 [sic], but did not contain these chapters, though it included a few tricks with cards in part 2.) [Notes: Part 7 includes gorily detailed, if sometimes slightly opaque, descriptions of the listed games. Microfilm collection includes both volumes, next to each other; 3rd edition appears to be same text, and much clearer reproduction.]
306. Cotton, Charles. The Compleat Gamester: or, Instructions How to play at Billiards, Trucks, Bowls, and Chess. Together with all manner of usual and most Gentile Games either on Cards or Dice. To which is added, The Arts and Mysteries of Riding, Racing, Archery, and Cock-Fighting. (Frontispiece and page of Explanation.) ix+232pp. 8vo. Henry Brome, London, 1674. [Republished, with modernised spelling and new (useless) illustrations, and an introduction by Thomas E. Marston, by the Imprint Society, Barre, MA, 1970.]
307. [Ditto, 2nd edition, 1676.]
308. [Ditto, ix+175pp. 8vo. 1680.]
309. Ditto. ix+175pp. 8vo. Charles Brome, London, 1687. (I have been told of an edition of 1684, but have been unable to obtain any authoritative confirmation of the statement. George Walker writes of an edition of 1690. His dates are never to be relied upon, and this is probably a mistake for 1680.)
[And several 18th century editions, omitted.]
360. Daneau, Lambert. True and Christian Friendship. Written first in Latin, together with a most excellent invective of the same author against the wicked exercise of Dice Play and Prophane Gaming. Englished by Thomas Newton. 65pp. 12mo. A Veale, London, 1586.
385. Denham, Sir John. The Anatomy of Play. Written by a worthy and learned Gent. Dedicated to his Father, To shew his detestation of it. 30pp. 12mo. Nicholas Browne, London, 1651.
386. Denham, Sir John. The Gaming Humour Considered and Reproved, Or, The Passion, Pleasure and Exposing Money to Hazard by Play, Lot, or Wager Examined By a Well-wisher to Mankind. 52pp. 16mo. Tho. Cockerill, London, 1864. (Attributed also to Charles Morton.) [Surely one or the other of 385 and 386 is misdated?]
431. Disney, John, D.D. View of the Ancient Laws Againstr Immorality and Prefaneness.... collected from the Jewish, Roman, Greek, Gothic, Lombard, and other Laws down to the Middle of the Eleventh century. 351pp. Folio. C. Crownfield, Cambridge, 1729. (Laws for Restraint of Gaming, pp. 272-282.)
436. Downe, John. A Defense of the Lawfulnesse of Lots in Gaming against the Arguments of N.N. 51pp. 4to. Printed by J.L. for E.F., Oxford, 1633.
450. Dryden, John. The Wild Gallant. A Comedy. Front. vi+80pp. 4to. H. Herringman, London, 1669. (In Act I is a reference to Back-Gammon. In Act IV is a game of Puquet.)
477. Elton, E. A Discourse Against the Use of Lots. (1623. See No. 76)
513. Florio, John. Florio's Second Frutes to be gathered of twelve trees of divers but delightsome tastes to the tongue of Italians and Englishmen. 205pp. 4to. T. Woodcock, London, 1591. (Primero and other games at p. 65, chap. 5.)
576. Fryer, Edward. The Knave of Clubs, otherwise called a Game at Cards and Clubs Trumps: Do You Not See? The Knave Truned Up. Rub and Lose Cards. Play Fair and Above Board. Shuffled, But and Dealt Faire. By Styschorus. 4ll. 4to. London, 1643. (A Political Tract.)
588. The Bloody Game at Cards, as it was played betwixt the King of Hearts And the rest of his Suite against the residue of the Packe of Cards. Wherein in discovered where faire play was plaid and where was foull. Shuffled at London, Cut at Westminster, Dealt at Yorke and Plaid in the open field by the Citty-Clubs, the Country Spade-men, Rich-Diamond men, and Loyall-Hearted men. (Woodcut of King of Hearts.) 8pp. 4to. (1642.)
614. A Ballat for Warninge the Plagie rewardes that folowe all Gamesters of Dyce and of Chardes. Henry Curre, London, 1578. (Hazlitt.)
627. Gataker, Thomas. Of the Nature and Use of Lots; a Treatise Historicall and Theologicall. x+360pp. 4to. London, 1619.
628. Gataker, Thomas. Ditto. The Second edition. Reviewed, corrected and enlarged; with addition of Naswer to some further Arguments; by the Author. xiv+419pp. 4to. John Haviland, London, 1627.
629. Gataker, Thomas. A Just Defence of certain Passages in a former Treatise, concerning the Nature and Use of Lots. Against such Exceptions and Oppositions as have been made thereunto by Mr. I. B. ----. vi+275pp. 4to. R. Bird, London, 1623.
631. Gayton, Edmund. Chartae Scriptae: or, a New game at Cards, called Play by the Booke. iv+24pp. 4to. (Oxford), 1645.
712. Harman, Thomas. The Fraternitye of Vagabondes, withs a Description of the Crafty Company of Cousoners and Shifters: where-unto also is adjoined the XXV Orders of Knaves, otherwise called a Quartern of Knaves. Confirmed for ever by Cocke Lorell. 9ll. 4to. John Awdeley, London, 1575. (Lowndes. Reprinted 8vo., by Machell Stace, Westminster, 1813, and by Dr. Furnivall, 1869.)
749. Hocus Pocus Junior. The Anatomie of Legerdemain, or the Art of Jugling set forth in his Proper Colours. 4to. Printed for R.M., London, 1634. (This was apparently the earliest of a very great number of pamphlets or chap-books with the same and siliar titles, in 4to., 8vo., and 12mo. There are some woodcuts of card and other tricks. For other editions see Magic, vol. 2.)
882. Jackson, F. The Scholler's Practical Cards, by F. Jackson, M.A. Containing instructions by means of cards how to spell, cypher and cast accounts; together with many other excellent and necessary rules of calculation, without either almanack or ephemeris. 1656. (Chatto. 15ll. 4to. London, Hazlitt, under "Jackson, Tr.")
911. James I., His Majesty King. Basilicon Doron. xxxiii+154pp. 12mo. John Norton, London, 1603. (Book 3, pp. 122-125, "Of House Games." First printed privately in Edinburgh, 4to., 1599. Reprinted by the Roxburghe Club, 1887.)
912. Jane, J. Grammatical Cards. 10pp. S. Mearn and A. Clark, London, 1676. (Wllshire.)
1039. Roome for a Messe of Knaves, or a Selection, or a Detection, or a Demonstration, or a Manipulation of Foure Knaves. 14ll. 4to. N.F., London, 1610. (Hazlitt.)
1051. Latimer, Hugh. Sermons on the Card. (Preached 1529. Reprinted by Cassell and Co. 12mo. London, 1886.) [Assuming the dates are correct, in what form did it exist during the intervening three centuries? Manuscript? Where?]
1052. The Gamester's Law. Wherein is treated of Unlawful Games. xiv+136pp. 12mo. Samuel Butler, London, 1708. [Also 1053, the second edition of 1711.] (A quaintly written law-book, with reports of many cases on the laws against gaming.) [Rather late, but possibly interesting, depending on how far back it extends.]
1058. LeClerc, Jean. Reflections upon what the World commonly call Good-Luck and Ill-Luck with regard to Lotteries. And of the Good Use which may be made of them. Written originally in French by Monsieur Le Clerk. Done into English. xxii+199pp. 12mo. Matth. Gillyflower and others, London, 1699.
1118. The Arraignment, Trial and Condemnation of Squire Lottery Alias Royal Oak Lottery. 47pp. 8vo. A. Baldwin, London, 1699.
1119. A Review of the Fortunate and Unfortunate Adventurers. A Satyr in Burlesque upon the Famous Lottery set up in Freeman's-Yard in Cornhill. 12pp. 4to. Randal Taylor, London, 1694.
1120. The Poet Buffoon'd: or, a Vindication of the Unfortunate Ladies from the Sawcy Reflections in a late Doggrel Satyr against the Famour Lottery in Freeman's-Yard. By a Club of the Fair Sex for that purpose assembled. 10pp. 4to. R. Taylor, 1694. [From the similarities of the names, one might guess that 1119 and 1120 are closely related, maybe even editions of the same satire?]
1135. Machin, Lewis. the Dumbe Knight. A Pleasant Comedy. 38pp. 4to. John Bache, London, 1608. (Mount Saint, ie Piquet, Act IV., Scene I.]
1170. The Groom-Porters Law at Mawe, to be observed in fulfilling the due orders of the Game. (A Broadside, c. 1580. The earliest English example of a code of laws of a card game. Reprinted in "A Collection of 79 Black-Letter Ballads and Broadsides, 1559-1597." 8vo. London, 1869.) [Not the rules of the game, really, but 16 rules to be followed, mostly listing "Thou Shalt Nots" while playing the game, and associated penalties.]
1172. Maxwell, William. Jamesanna, alias Heart's Union, o a Pythagoricall Play at Cardes, representing the Excellencie and Utilitie of Union, with the Ignobilitie and Incommodities of Division. So called in honour of James and Anne, our King and Queene of Union. London. (From a contemporary advertisement, 1619.)
1196. Minsheu, John. Pleasant and Delightful Dialogues in Spanigh and English. 68pp. Folio. M. Bollivant, London, 1599. (And J. Haviland, London, 1623. An appendix to "A Spanish Grammar" by Richard Percivale; contains an interesting description of Primero.)
1214. Moxon, Joseph. The Use of the Astronomical Playing-Cards. 49pp. 8vo. Joseph Moxon, London, 1676.
1215. Moxon, Joseph. The Genteel House Keeper's Pastime. 1692. (Chatto.)
1218. Mumchance. Mihil Mumchance, his Discoverie of the Art of Cheating in False Dyce-Play and other Unlawful Games. With a Discourse of the Figging Craft... never before Published. The Names of False Dyce... 15ll. 4to. William Jones, London. (Lowndes and Hazlitt. Sometimes attributed to Robert Greene.) [No date given, but from the spelling and attribution to Greene, we may surmise that its more or less period.]
1222. A Murnival of Knaves: or Whiggism plainly Display'd and (if not shameless) Burledqu'd out of Countenance. 4to. James Nowis, London, 1683. (Hazlitt.)
1227. Nevile, Henry. Shuffling, Cutting and Dealing. In a Game at Pickquet. Being Acted from the Year, 1653 to 1658. By O.P. and others; With great Applause. 8pp. 4to. 1659. (Reprinted in the fifth volume of the "Harleian Miscellany".)
1234. The Nicker Nicked, or the Cheats of gaming Discovered. Leathermore's Advice concerning aming. 12pp. 4to. London, 1669. (Reprinted in the "Harleian Miscellany," vol. 2, from the third edition, 1698. See also No. 1057.) [1057 is a later edition, printed under a different name in the early 18th century.]
1238. Nobody and Somebody. [??] With the True Chronicle Historie of Elydure, who was fortunately three several times crowned King of England. 4to. John Trundle, London, 1606. (Contains a gaming scene and many allusions to cards and dice. Reprinted in "The School of Shakespeare," edited by R. Simpson, vol. I, 8vo, London, 1858; and also reprinted in facsimile for private circulation, 50 copies only, 4to., by A. Smith, Glasgow, 1877.)
1239. Northbrooke, John. A Treatise wherein Dicing, Dancing, Vaine Plaies or Enterludes with other idle pastimes, etc., commonly used on the Sabbath day are reprooved... made dialoguewise by John Northbrooke. vii+72ll. 4to. George Bishoppe, London, 1579. (Reprinted by the Shakespeare Society, London, 8vo., 1843.)
1248. The Royal Game of Ombre. 12mo. 1660. (A political tract. Chatto.)
1249. The Royal Game of the Ombre, written at the Request of Divers Honourable Persons. 13pp. 12mo. Thomas Plamer, London, 1665.
1250. Ditto. 18pp. 8vo. William Brook, London, 1660. (Hazlitt.) [So is 1249 a later edition of 1250?]
1259. A Pack of Patentees. Opened. Shuffled. Cut. Dealt. And Played. 15pp. 4to. London, 1641. (Mention of Post and Pare; an Games played at Noddy Knave, Gleek, and Rough.)
1328. Philpot, John. A Prospective Glasse for Gamesters; or a Short Treatise against Gameingl in which is contained a plaine and perfect manifestation of the inconveniences, miseries, and calamities which the User or Practiser of Unlawfull Games doth bring upon himselfe, not onely in regard of his mortall body, but also upon his eternall soule. Wherein also these six evil consequences of gaming are exactly and pertinently handled, viz. Drunkennesse, Lying, Swearing, Adultery, Povery, Theevery. Written at the request of a Gamester, upon his detestation of his former idle life and practice in this kinde. Dedicated to the honest and judicious young men and Apprentices of the honourable City of London. 8ll. 4to. Thomas Bates, London, 1646.
1338. The Royall and Delightful Game of Picquet, written in French and now rendered into English out of the last French edition. vi+62pp. 8vo. J. Martin and J. ridley, London, 1651. (The chapter on Piquet in Cotgrave's "Wit's Interpreter" is adopted from this treatise.) [Curious; Cotgrave's section is only seven pages...]
1341. A Timely Advice, or, a Treatise of Play and Gaming. Wherein is shewed how far forth it is lawful to use such Play. And how dangerous and hurtful by excesse to abuse it. 15+124pp. 16mo. Richard Stevenson, London, 1640.
1343. Certain Poesies Upon the Playing Cards. Thomas Nelson, London, 1588. (Hazlitt.)
1421. Reulidges, Richard. A Monster lately found out and discovered, or the Scourging of Tipplers. London, 1628. ("This work contains some curious particulars relative to play-houses and dicing-houses." Lowndes.)
1428. Rice, Richard. An Invective againste Vices, taken for Virtue, gathered out of the Scriptures. 40ll. 8vo. Henry Kirkham, London, 1579. (Hazlitt. 16mo. 1579, London.)
1430. Rid, Samuel. The Art of Jugling or Legerdemaine, wherein is deciphered all the conveyances of Legerdemaine and Jugling, how they are affected and wherein they chiefly consist. Cautions to bewareof cheating at Cardes and Dice, the detection of the beggarly Art of Alcumistry and the foppery of foolish cousoning charmes, all tending to mirth and recreation, especially for those that desire to have the insight and private practise thereof. By S.R. 24ll. 4to. Geo. Eld, London, 1614. (The earliest book of this nature; also attributed to Samuel Rowlands, though the Preface is signed Sa. Rid. Lowndes gives 1612 as the date.)
1456. Rowlands, Samuel. The Knave of Clubbes, Tis Merry when Knaves meet. 48pp. 4to., W. Ferebrand, London, 1609. (First published, and ordered to be burnt, as A merry meeting, or 'tis merry when Knaves meet, 1600. Reprinted privately by E.V. Utterson, 4to., 1841, from an edition published by E.A., London, 1611.
1457. Rowlands, Samuel. The Knave of Hartes. Haile Fellow well met. 24ll. 4to. T.S. for George Loftus, London, 1612. (Reprinted privately by E.V. Utterson, 4to., 1840, from an edition published by John Bache, London, 1613.)
1458. Rowlands, Samuel. More Knaves Yet. The Knaves of Spades and Diamonds. 24ll. 4to. John Tap, London, (C. 1612.) (Reprinted privately by E.V. Utterson, 4to., 1841) [Plus a reprint of all three for the Percy Society in 1843.]
1470. S--cy, Ed. The Country Gentleman's Vade Mecum: or his Companion for the Town. In eighteen Letters from a Gentleman in London, to his friend in the Country. xx+148pp. 8vo. John Harris, London, 1699. [1471 is a later edition from 1747.] {A description of the many forms of cheating practises by sharpers in London. The account of the Royal Oak Lottery is omitted in the second edition, as it was then abolished. These books had a great circulation, and were often sold in abridged edition as chap-books.)
1474. Salter, Thomas. The contention betweene Three Brethren, the Whoremonger, the Drunkard, and the Dyce-Player. To approve which of them three is the worst: By reason that their deceased ather had given his Succession from the worst of them. 24ll. 4to. Henry Gesson, London, 1608. (Taken from the "Declamatio" of Philippus Beroaldus.)
1483. Scot, Reginald. The Discouerie of Witchcraft. iv+560. 16pp. [??] 4to. W. Brome, London, 1584. ("Of cards, with good caution how to avoid cousenage therein," Book 13, Chap. 27, p. 331. Probably the earliest English book treating of Legerdemain. There were other editions in 1651 and 1654, in 4to, and 1665, folio. Reprinted by Elliot Stock, London. 4to. 1886.)
1526. Speed, John. Batt Upon Batt. A Poem upon the Parts, Patience and Pains of Barth. Kempster, Clerk, Poet, Cutler, of Holy Rood Parish in Southampton. By a Person of Quality. 12pp. 4to. Samuel Crouch, London, 1680. (Contains some quaint lines on Put, Noddy, and One and Thirty.)
1558. Strode, Thomas.. A Short Treatise of the Combinations, Flections, Permutations, and Composition of Quantities. Illustrated by several examples, with a New Speculation of the Differences of the Power of Numbers. 55pp. 4to. E. Wyer, London, 1678. (A very early work on the Doctrine of Chances.)
1559. Strutt, Joseph. The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: including the rural and domestic recreations, May-games, mummeries, pageants, processions, and pompous spectacles from the earliest Period to the present Time: illustrated by engravings selected from; in which are represented most of the Popular Diversions. Front. and 39 plates. l+302pp. 4to. J. White, London, 1801. [Also editions of 1810 and 1830. Not period, but possibly of some use.]
1563. Swift, Jonathan. A Ballad on the Game of Traffic, written at the Castle of Dublin. 1699.
1572. Taylor, Jeremy. Ductor Dubitantium, or the Rule of Conscience. In Four Books. 2 vols. Richard Royaston, London, 1660. (Book IV., On the Nature and Causes of Good and Evil. Vol. 2, chap. 1, pp. 467-480. "Whether or no is the making and providing the instruments which usually minister to sin, by interpretation, such an aid to the sin as to involve our will and consent to the sin an make us partakers of the guilt? Whether it be lawfull to play at Cards or Dice?" Reprinted under the title of "A Question on gaming" in "The Life of Bishop Taylor and the Purest Spirit of his writings extracted and exhibited," by John Wheeldon, pp. 101-120. 8vo. London, 1789.)
1573. Taylor, John. Taylor's Motto. Et Habeo, et Careo, et Curo. 32pp. 8vo. J.T. and H.G., London, 1621. (Front. and engraved title. Lowndes. The poet mentions a number of card games then in vogue. Reprinted in his "Workes," folio, London, 1630.)
1634. Walker, Gilbert. A manifest detection of the moste vyle and detestable use of Dyce Play, and other practises lyke the same; a Myrrour very necessary for all yonge gentlemen and others sodenly enabled by worldly abundance to loke in. Newly set forth for theire behoufe. 32ll. 16mo. Richard Tottyl, London, 1552. (and another edition, 16mo., A. Vele, London, N. D. Lowndes. Reprinted, edited by J.O. Halliwell, by the Percy Society. 8vo. London, 1850.)
1656. Whetstone, George. A Mirrour for Magistrates of Cities, representing the Ordinances, Policies and Diligence of the Noble Emperour Alexander, surnamed Severus, to suppresse the Notorious Vices noorished in Rome by the Superfluous Nomber of Dicing-Houses, Tavarns and Common Stewes suffered and cherished by his beastlye predecessor, Helyogabalus, with sundrye grave orations by the said Noble Emperour concerning Reformation. And hereunto is added a Touchstone for the time, containing manu perillous mischieffes bred in the bowels of the Citie of London, by the Infection of some of these Sanctuaries of Iniquities. 8+37pp. 4to. Richard Jones, London, 1584.
1692. Wilcox, Thomas. A Glasse for Gamesters and namelie for suche as delight in Cards and Dice. Written by T.W. 36ll. 8vo. Thomas Mann, London, 1581. (Hazlitt.)
1704. Win at first or Lose at Last, or A New Game at Cards. Fol. Thos, Scott, 1660. (A Broadside.) [From the name, probably a little OOP.]