To the Illustrious Lady,
The Lady Angela Morona Palazzvola,
Roman Gentlewoman

High Morona, triumphant Queen,
Do not be angry, if with my base sonnet
I sing your acts, in the gentle dancing,
And the beauty Angelic, and divine,
And your pedigree, to whom each one is incline
To honor with servile act;
But quick aid to this humble servant,
O Angela heavenly, and rare.
Renew you the song, o great Poets
Homer, Lino, Nymphs, and you Shepherds,
New garlands made, and new Altar:
Advance until Heaven with joyful cries,
Scattering at all times new flowers by the path,
The praises your Morona, excellent, and clear.

Original rhyme scheme - ABBA/ABBA/CDECDE

Alta Morona

In Praise of the Illustrious Lady
The Lady Angela Morona Palazzvola,
Roman Gentlewoman

Taking the people with both the hands, as is shown in the picture of Contentezza d'Amore, they will do the Riverenza with 2 Continenze; then letting it go, they will take the right hand, and will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario to the left, starting with the left foot: then taking the left hand, they will do the same walking to the right, and starting with the right foot; after they will do back 2 Seguiti ordinarii, 1 back with the left, and the other forward with the right, and 2 Continenze, 1 to the left, and the other to the right.

In the second time, they will take the ordinary hand, and will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario to the left: they will do the same with the right; then taking it by the hands, they will do 2 other Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario to the left, starting with the left foot; and letting go, they will do 2 other Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario turned to the left, starting it with the right, and changing place.

In the third time, taking the hands of new, they will do the same, starting it with the right foot, and turning to the right, then they will return each one to their place, and will rest facing.

In the fourth time, the man alone will do 2 Puntate grave, 1 with the left foot, and the other back with the right; then the lady alone will do the same.  After that the man alone will do 2 Passi gravi, and 1 Seguito ordinario turned to the left, starting it with the left; then facing he will do 2 other Passi gravi, starting it with the right, with 2 Riprese to the right: then the lady alone will do the same which the man will have done.  Beyond that they will do together the Riverenza, and 2 Continenze, with 2 Riprese flanked, turning the left flank inward first, then thence they will do another 2 by opposite; they will do also 2 Passi grave, and 1 Seguito ordinario turned to the left: after they will return to do the said Riprese, with all the other things by opposite, as of above.

To the Sciolta of the Sonata

They will do likewise together the Riverenza minima, with 4 Trabuchetti; then in the wheel they will do 4 Seguiti spezzati, with 1 Passo grave with the left foot to the left, and the Riverenza with the right, as in Barriera, then to the right they will do 1 Passo with the right, and the Riverenza with the left, together with 4 Passi trangati back, as in Barriera.  Finally they will do 2 Riprese, and 2 Trabuchetti to the left, with 1 Seguito forward, starting with the left foot; then they will do the same Riprese, and Trabuchetti to the right, with the Seguito forward, starting with the right; after the man will take the lady by the ordinary hand, and he will end the Ballo with doing together the Riverenza.

Lute tablature of the Balletto Alta Morona

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