Alba Novella (New Dawn)

In Praise of the Most Serene Lady
The Lady Bianca Cappello de' Medici
Grand Duchess of Tuscany

Since that to suffice in the preceding rules of the first part we have stated yet the names, and the effects of all the acts and movements which are expected of the men and of the women in the use of the Balli, as also the manners, which to both come together in the same; it would rest now in this second treatise to give beginning of teaching how said Balli are able to learn most easily.  I say therefore, that wishing one to do the present Balletto, has to know that it is divided in 5 times: 4 of which are demanded grave, and the fifth is expected to the sciolta of the sonata: Therefore in the first time the man and the lady have (standing them facing the one to the other, as is demonstrated in the preceding picture) to do the Riverenza grave with the left foot, and after that, 2 Continenze grave, 1 with the left foot to the left side, and the other with the right foot to the right side; the which gracefully done, they will do 2 Puntate, the one forward, and the other back; and 2 Seguiti flanked, the one to the left flank, the other to the right; after these, they will do 2 Seguiti turned to the left, in the end of which is had to bend the knees a little, as they will find the feet, that is, the left back, and the right forward: Then with the same left foot, they will start to do another 2 Seguiti turned to the right, without bending the knees, as yet is done of above; and said 2 Seguiti turned to the one and to the other hand, have to do it as is done the turns of the ballo called Contrapasso; The which done, facing are done 2 Seguiti spezzati back flanking, starting it with the left foot, and 3 Riprese with the left flank forward; then 2 other Seguiti spezzati starting it with the right foot, doing them with the same back; and 3 other Riprese with the right flank forward.

In the second time, the man takes the lady by the left hand, and walking together, are done 2 Puntate grave, 2 Passi, and 1 Seguito, starting it with the left foot: the same is done starting it with the right foot: and letting go the hand, are done the same turns of the Contrapasso, as I have said above.  Facing are done the previously said 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back with the 3 Riprese with the left flank inward; the same is done starting it with the right foot, as of above.

In the third time, the right hand is taken, and are done 2 Puntate grave, the one with the left foot, the other with the right; then said hand is let go turning to the left hand with 2 Seguiti, starting with the left foot, changing place; and finding them again facing at the final Seguito, are done 2 Puntate grave, the one forward with the left foot, and the other back with the right, with 2 Seguiti flanked, doing the abovesaid turns of the Contrapasso, with the 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back, starting it with the left foot, and 3 Riprese with the left flank forward; then 2 other Seguiti spezzati, starting it with the right, doing them back similarly, and 3 other Riprese with the right flank forward.

In the fourth time, they have to take the left hand, and to do the same which yet is done to the right, then, letting go said hand, they have to turn to the right hand with the 2 Seguiti ordinarii.

To the Sciolta of the Sonata

Facing they have to do together the Riverenza grave, then by straight line, 4 Seguiti spezzati, changing place; the final Seguito they have to turn to the left, and to find them facing again.  Forward are done then 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked, and 3 Trabuchetti gravi starting with the left foot: then another 2 Seguiti spezzati and 3 Trabuchetti with the right foot.  That done, they have to return to do the turns of the Contrapasso; and facing 2 Seguiti spezzati flanked back and 3 Riprese preste with the left flank forward; The same will be done starting it with the right foot.  After the man, returning to take the lady by the ordinary hand, which is the left hand, has to pause in the head of the hall, or in the foot, wherever will please them the most and they will turn most commodiously, doing together the Riverenza; the which done, not resting you other, that shall be the end of the Balletto.

Lute Tablature with the music of the Sonata of the Balletto Alba Novella

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