Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

It's the middle of December of 1986. The social season is looking for that last big party before Christmas. That's when you got the invitation:

Danny 'Madman' Maxwell
and the rest of the band Toxic Waste
cordially invite you to PARTY,
December 13th
at the estate of Amanda Harrington-Smythe.
This one's gonna blow you away, folks
because I've got a major announcement to make!
6:00 PM
You'll never forgive yourself if you don't show up!

What's Danny up to? Did he really write that expose after the overdose? With a little checking, you found out about the guest list:

This is the public description of the characters in Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. This information is general knowledge and may be radically different than that in the personal biographies.

© 1997 by Jeff Diewald. All rights reserved.