Who Killed the Con-Chair?
Character Sheet -- For Your Eyes Only!

Minister Mike Young

You are Mike Young, Lead Minister of the High Church of Elvis.  The charade's getting to be a little tiring, but hey, it's a job...

You've always been good at cashing in on a fad; from Silly Putty in grade school to Doom levels a few years ago, you've always had the skill of reading what people are looking to get enthused about, and selling it to them.  But you were always penny-ante until a few years ago, when you had a flash on insight.  You were watching Pat Robertson late one night, just for giggles, and it occurred to you: I could do that!  You have the necessary gift of gab, the skill to sell people their own underwear if necessary -- all the skills required for a preacher.

But you didn't want to get involved with any "real", established religion; requires too much study, and there's always someone looking to shoot you down.  No, you decided that you needed to make up your own religion.  You spent all of two days thinking about it, before the inspiration hit you in the checkout aisle: Elvis!  Zillions of people ascribe to him all kinds of supernatural powers; the suckers already wanted to believe.  All you had to do was pander to their lowest instincts, and you'd be on easy street.  You collected together the tabloid stories, weaving them into a tale about how Elvis had been picked up by aliens in the 60's, and left a replacement behind, as he conducted his important business as a Galactic leader.  Pure crap, but they were already primed to believe it.

It hasn't all been simple.  There have been the inevitable TV interviewers out to make your followers look like fools.  (Which, of course, they are.)  There have been the stronger-willed sheep, trying to inconveniently think for themselves -- those that couldn't be co-opted had to be branded heretics and driven out.  But overall, it's been the best scam you've ever tried to run, and has kept the money flowing in.

The current state of things worries you a bit.  There have been ever-more-persistent rumors that Elvis is still alive.  At first, you dismissed it as wishful thinking, but as you began to look into it in the past couple of months, the stories have begun to gain more credibility.  You began to urge your people to track and record the sightings, and they are getting disturbingly consistent.  Either Elvis is back, or someone's doing a damned good job of imitating him.  You keep urging your people to believe that it must be fraudulent, but it's hard for even you to run too fast in the face of so much evidence.

The rumor mill indicates that something big is going down here, this weekend; you don't understand it all, but the word is consistently that Elvis is heading for this place and time.  You've come here with the flock, mostly because it's better to actually be here, where you can control events and put your own spin on them.  If Elvis or a credible lookalike does show, you'll need to decide on a tactic.  It might be co-opting whatever he has to say; it might be denouncing him as a fraud.  It could even be cutting and running, if things go completely to hell, but you've never been much of a one to run from a challenge.  It's all a matter of salesmanship...

Special Ability

Conversion:  You have a remarkable gift for convincing people the truth of what you have to say.  If someone is listening to an Elvis tune while you explain to them the true divinity of Elvis and the story of how he is out in space protecting them, you can make them into a True Believer in the High Church of Elvis.  They may retain other affiliations, but helping you and your causes is the most important thing to them, and they will credulously believe what you say.  Show the other section of this to your victim, and give them one of your spare copies of the Church bluesheet.

You can only use this ability twice during the game, and only one person will be converted each time.  Choose your targets wisely.

You may tear this section and the next off of your character sheet, but it is non-transferrable.

Special Ability

Conversion:  If you have been listening to an Elvis tune while Minister Young has been telling you about the High Church of Elvis for at least a couple of minutes, you are converted to the Church.  You believe what the Minister has to say implicitly, and will help him achieve his goals.  This isn't any sort of mind-control; rather, it is a complete belief in his cause, and that he is telling you the truth.  You may retain your other group affiliations, but your allegiance to the Church takes priority over them.