Celebration Character Sheet:  Ursula Warner

You are Ursula Warner, a high school junior. Your life was basically decent until this year, when Lawrence Ashburton came to town. He's tall.. and strong... and smart... and -- well, okay, kind of broody. And you can't stop thinking about him and it's all his fault for being so damned cute and What the HECK are you going to have to do to get him to NOTICE YOU? ARGH!

Okay, calm down. There are other things to deal with besides finding some way to impress him. For instance, there's the election of the Prom Queen tonight. You've decided that it's about time that people finally began to notice your best friend Mary Lyons. She's a good person, but a bit of a nerd and way too shy for her own good, so you figure that getting her elected as Prom Queen would be good for her ego. You just aren't going to tell her about it, because she'd freak.  You haven't decided when to tell her boyfriend Scott West -- obviously, you'll have to tell him eventually (since he needs to vote for her), but you aren't completely sure whether he can keep the secret.

(Of course, getting Mary elected has nothing to do with keeping Regan Wallis from winning.  You don't have anything against her, even if she is a stuck-up little witch who thinks that she owns the entire town and all the boys in it and you're just going to DIE if you have to watch Lawrence crown her as PROM QUEEN! Okay, breathe...)

And then there's the Talent Show. This is, like, really important this year, because the Principal is going to fire Mr. Woodhouse, the Drama Teacher!  You were -- uh, hanging out -- outside the Teacher's Lounge two days ago, and you overheard Ms. West, the school's administrator saying that he was going to be fired.  It's time for the gang to show the Principal that Drama is not dead!  You've decided that the students should get together and put on a scene collectively.  Since Mr. Woodhouse has always been into Shakespeare, you figure that that's the thing you should do.  Teachers always love Shakespeare, so you figure it's a sure bet to win the Talent Show.

You figure that this is a "the more, the merrier" situation, so you picked a scene with a lot of people in it.  (Which, besides being really impressive-looking, means that you can probably choose a fairly small part for yourself.)  This year's unit is on A Midsummer Night's Dream, so you've decided that the play-within-the-play is probably the thing to do.  He always said that it's about bad acting anyway, so how badly can it get screwed up.  So you've made lots of copies of the scene.  Now you just need to get people to put it on.

You are a bit worried about Arthur Pym, the school's custodian.  Oh, the adults pay him no mind -- they all think he's a little crazy.  But he's always been nice to you, telling cool stories and generally being a nice old guy.  The past few days, though, he's been -- well, angry all the time.  You've never seen him like this before...

Oh, yeah -- and you think the school is infested with vampires.  Well, okay, that's just a guess.  But your other best friend Kevin Stark has gotten so wrapped up in this new girl Sarah Peterson that it just has to be some kind of spell.  Okay, yes -- Kevin's always been one for crushes.  But he's getting really a little too into it this time.  And people always say that weird stuff happens around here, so you figure that some kind of vampire whammy is as good an explanation as any.  You've brought a mirror with you, to see if she has a reflection.

Some other people you know

Cher Grant -- another new girl, but you get along with her a lot better than you do Sarah.  She's really good at listening to your problems, and sometimes suggests really good ideas.  It's too bad that she's been hanging around with Regan so much lately, but you're willing to forgive her some bad taste.

Lilian Stark -- Kevin's kid sister.  A nice girl, but she's so young.  And she gets into trouble so easily!

Amy Thistle -- just what you need: another girl who is prettier than you.  Well, she's only here for tonight.  And if she tries to go after Lawrence, she'll find out about the fury of Ursula Unleashed.  Okay, you don't know what you would do.  But you'd sure do something.

Sarah Peterson
-- started at the school a couple of months ago, and all the boys went gaga over her.  Lord knows why.  Fortunately, Lawrence is too smart and serious to be turned by her.  She's been acting really weird lately, though.  You wonder if she's on drugs, or something.

Prasad Kamat -- editor of the school paper.  Nice guy, although the goofy accent sometimes drives you crazy.  Really good at finding stuff out.

Sandra Warner -- aka Mom.  She's the History teacher here, and is annoying proud of never showing any favoritism to you.  Which, of course, means that she grades you harder than anyone else.

Margaret Warner -- your older sister.  She's got this whole "look, look, I'm the bad girl, I'm so rebellious" thing going on.  Yeah, she's your sister and you love her, but she can be such a pain sometimes.

James Singer -- a guy from the school in the next town.  Oooh, Mom so wouldn't approve of him.  But he's pretty cute, although not in the same league as Lawrence.

Cassandra Westerburg -- the class Goth.  You suppose every class has to have one.  She's really weird, but you've decided that she's not as much of a freak as she looks.

Marshal Durnham -- the school nerd, but he's not a bad kid.  He's a sophomore who tends to attach himself to you and your friends when he can; you find him a little boring, but he's sometimes useful.  He's been acting really weird lately, though -- you're hoping that he doesn't have this weird bug that's been putting several of the students in the hospital.

Carl Tennyson
-- the Shop teacher.  Kevin and Marshal both like him a lot, but you find him a little creepy.

Elegius Shelley -- speaking of creepy!  You know that Mom really hates him, but don't really know why.  Margaret's been hanging out with him a lot lately, probably just to piss Mom off.